Back to School During COVID

Back to School for Parents

The uncertainty and changing nature of shelter in place is presenting new challenges to parents that recent previous generations have not dealt with. For this reason, it’s very natural for parents and caregivers to feel overwhelmed and experience feelings of anxiety. But, how does a working parent or caregiver provide support to their child while managing their own anxieties?

3 Back-to-School Tips for Families

As families continue to stay home and shelter in place, both parents and children are pivoting to new routines and changing their daily habits. Although families may be spending more time together (either by choice or because they have no other option), it’s important to develop boundaries and create opportunities for family time in new ways. It’s also important to recognize that there will be difficult emotions during these challenging times, so find time to implement strategies to manage those emotions while being respectful to your family and loved ones.

Mental Health Tips for Students

In this blog post, I’ll share some mental health tips and information on how to “get back-to-basics” while transitioning back to school–regardless of where that might be.

Physical Health Tips for Students

In this blog post, I am discussing 3 physical health basics – hygiene, sleep, and nutrition. This information can be used to promote physical health and wellness within yourself and/or with others.