Research Project Team

Masking Research Collective

The project is co-produced by the Masking Research Collective.  Members of the collective include autistic young people, autistic adults, parents of autistic children, educational specialists, clinicians working with autistic children, and autism researchers. Many of the members fill more than one of these roles.

The collective contributes differently to different parts of the project. Phase 1 is led by the lead researcher, Laura, with guidance from the other collective members. Phase 2 is co-designed by the collective, with data collection led by Laura. All collective members are involved in analysis and  interpretation of Phase 2.

We meet every 3-6 months to hear updates on the project, make decisions about the next stages, and address any issues that have come up.

Currently the collective are evaluating the findings of the first part of Phase 2

Dr Laura Hull (Lead Researcher)

The researcher leading the project is Dr Laura Hull, who is also a member of the Masking Research Collective.

This project is funded by an Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Early Career Fellowship awarded to Laura.

Laura's academic background has been in the areas of camouflaging / masking and adult autism diagnosis. She is particularly interested in how to reduce the high levels of mental health problems experienced by autistic people.

A photograph of a young white woman

Want to get involved in this research?

We are currently recruiting participants for the first part of Phase 2. We are looking for autistic children and young people aged 8-15 years to take part in this research project. More information is available  here, or you can email Laura ( to find out more.