
Food is necessary for the proper functioning of our bodies, as it provides the necessary fuel to be converted, burned, and the excess eleminated.

Additives, saturated fats (sometimes hydrogenated), sugars (glucose-fructose syrup...), and salt found in industrial processed foods impair digestion and excretion.

Additives, saturated fats (sometimes hydrogenated), sugars (glucose-fructose syrup...), and salt found in industrial processed foods impair digestion and excretion. Detox is the process of bringing the body back into equilibrium.

As a result, by eliminating everything that is unnatural and therefore damaging to our bodies, we will be less prone to tiredness, infections, and other typical diseases produced by a variety of viruses and bacteria.

We start in the kitchen, sorting! Exit cooked meals, dairy products, and other processed items.  Only the raw ingredients are kept, whether fresh or frozen (vegetables, fruits, fish, white meats, plain dairy products, etc.).

On the starchy side, we choose unprocessed grains and fiber-rich pulses.

How does it work?

1. Every meal should include fruits and vegetables. All of the necessary elements are found in fruits and vegetables:

• potassium, which helps to reduce water retention and speed up diuresis.

• fibers that trap toxins and expel them via the bowels

• antioxidants, which help the organs in their removal process by reducing inflammation.

• as well as nitrates, which aid in tissue oxygenation.

2.Avoid  animal products. Meats, eggs, fish, and shellfish, which are high in protein, generate waste products (uric acid), which make the kidneys work harder to eliminate.

3.Drink plenty of water. Water, when combined with dietary fiber, increases the function of the emunctory organs, particularly the kidneys, flushes away water-soluble toxins, thins the blood, and facilitates transit. Water continues to be the body's most efficient "drainer."

4.Avoid all stimulants, including coffee, wine, soft drinks, and cigarettes, as well as fried refined sugars and refined cereals (white pasta, white bread, and pastries).

5.Reduce your salt intake. Salt is abundant in our diet. Excess sodium, on the one hand, stimulates the retention of water in cells, resulting in edema, and, on the other hand, delays waste removal through the kidneys.

6.Fasting for part of the day

Remove snacks in between meals and base your diet on certain cures, such as fruit juices, vegetables, herbal teas, soups, herbal supplements, and physical activity. This will allow your internal organs to purify themselves and eliminate toxins and dead tissue.

7.Favor these foods :

• Green tea is a great alternative to coffee since it is very rich in antioxidants.

• All the vegetables of the cruciferous family: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, turnip, horseradish…

• The artichoke which increases the work of the gallbladder, the beet which helps the body to process waste from the body.

• Those from the Alliaceae family: garlic, onions, shallots, leeks, etc.

• Aromatic herbs: coriander, basil, tarragon, rosemary…

• Carrot and grapefruit cleanse the body of heavy metals.

• Onion and spirulina which are a hepato-protective algae detoxify the body of heavy metals and are beneficial for the kidneys.

• Buckwheat, which is rich in antioxidants and anti-cholesterol fibers, has the advantage of being gluten-free and can therefore be consumed by everyone with the advantage of calming hunger thanks to its strong satiating power.

• The apple but only in organic version, It is rich in vitamin C and the pectin it contains traps cholesterol while exerting a real appetite suppressant ...

• Watercress or arugula very rich in chlorophyll to boost the production of red blood cells.

• Beets contain methionine which helps the body process body waste and betaine which allows the liver to metabolize fatty acids.

• Avocado is very rich in glutathione, an antioxidant that helps eliminate toxins.

• Bananas, very rich in potassium, also fight small appetites by quickly stalling a hungry stomach.

Dandelions for their diuretic and renal draining action.

8.Detox with supplements: There are a number of products that are always used in addition to hygiene and dietetic measures. These products can be based on: arginine, betaine citrate, sorbitol, choline citrate, magnesium and sodium, soya lecithin or alverine citrate with plant extracts. They all have an action that increases bile secretion and facilitates the elimination functions of the liver.

The advantages of detoxification:

The changes and effects caused by a detox cure would be numerous. Indeed, taking lighter and balanced meals would allow the various organs involved (skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc.) to evacuate the accumulated toxins more easily.

However if these effects are often controversial because there is no scientific publication really proving the effects of a detox cure, it simply allows you to realize that a control of your diet helps to find well-being and serenity and these detox cures can be a starter to change your diet in the long term.

Is it beneficial to everyone?

It is recommended to get medical counsel before beginning a detox treatment, as these detox remedies are not suitable for everyone, and they are especially contraindicated for pregnant women and persons suffering from different diseases.

The treatment's duration:

The treatment's duration is quite variable: The therapy might last anywhere from one to thirty days, depending on the targeted results and the patient's tolerance to the treatment. Indeed, some people prefer an expedited treatment over a few days (around ten days) or a gradual healing over a month.

Side effects :

The sudden change in diet can lead to fatigue, chilliness, headaches, lower back pain, heartburn, mood problems, minor skin problems and digestive problems. It is the body cleanses and eliminates itself.

The feeling of hunger usually goes away by the third day when the body gets used to feeding on its reserves and expects less outside nourishment.