Affective Education Lab: On the Wellbeing, Happiness, and Ambience in Learning 情意教育實驗室:學習的幸福、快樂與氛圍(品味)

Rationales, Methodologies, and Strategies
Lab Facebook 政大教育虛擬實境實驗室 

Our lab focuses on creating knowledge and artifacts, such as theories, pedagogies, ICT-infused curricula, and methodologies (including large-scale (open) educational data analysis, qualitative and quantitative mixed methods, psychological modeling methods, natural language processing, and bibliometric analysis). One current focus is open classroom talk analysis and virtual classroom design on affective mathematics teaching.  Cultural and gender issues are also our concerns (e.g., happiness in learning: cultural perspectives). Our laboratory actively recruits people searching for excellence to participate in our present projects and initiate potentially interesting projects.

In the lab, we learn together and challenge the boundaries of knowledge. As such, becoming a lab member needs to keep on learning, tolerate mistakes, and aim to contribute positively and happily. As a lab PI, I am building a learning community and learning from my lab members. 


1、         臺灣人學術成就高,如在國際教育評比的研究(TIMSS與PISA)中名列前茅。但是,在情意指標上卻展現出「不喜歡學習」。

2、         「不喜歡學習」,在世界飛速發展的時代,將阻礙達成目前世界趨勢「終身學習」的教育目標,「終身學習」也是目前臺灣素養導向課綱所強調的核心目標。

3、         因此,幫助人們找回學習的品味,由學習中離苦得樂、樂於學習,而能終身學習,為本中心的目標。










5、舉辦國際學術研討論,目前已完成舉辦  2022 International Conference on Affective Education


Lab members

current members

羽角俊之 Toshi (Toshiyuki Hasumi) (associate PI 協同主持人; PhD student of education): bibliometric analysis, online/distance learning and instruction on English as a Foreign Language. (2021 -)

陳思穎 Shirley (Szu-Ying Chen) (PhD student of education): functional linguistics (multimodal analysis) for complex environments (e.g., classroom teaching, human-computer interaction, and parent-child interaction in playing VR games, currently focused on teaching mathematics using English and/or Mandarin). (2022-)

陳彥廷 Ace (master graduate of computer science): game design and Unity programming (2022 - )

previous members

李沛宸 Dennis (master student of digital content): digital content and user interface design, including arts and music (2021 - 2023).

田恆一 Jason (undergraduate student of management information systems): Unity programming and data process (2020 - 2023)

雷元泰 Jacky (undergraduate student of management information systems): web scraping; data mining and analysis; natural language process; Unity programming (2020 - 2023)

黃于庭 Maggie (undergraduate student): data preparation; pedagogical design (2021 - 2023/01)

林品萱 Ella (undergraduate student): media for gender and STEM education; data preparation and analysis; pedagogical design (2020 - 2022)

譚稱玲(Lanasari; PhD student): mathematics interactive activity design (2021)

蔡亞靜 (master student): parenting, gender, and mathematics education (2020-2021)

李沛宸 (undergraduate student): data scraping; VR for education (2019-2020)

Research Students

Current PhD students

PhD students completing studies

Master students

Undergraduate students

施晴 (2009) 。跨領域學習對大學生多元能力培養及職業生涯之影響─以雙主修、輔系、學程為例。國立政治大學教育學系。行政院國家科學委員會補助大專學生參與專題研究計畫(NSC98-2815-C-004-015-H)。獲98年度大專學生參與專題研究計畫研究創作獎。