Allyship Readiness Questionnaire

Be part of an exciting new research project! We are developing a new measure/questionnaire of allyship readiness for organizations and institutions. This measure will enable organizations to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the levels of allyship interest, skills, and competencies among their employees and leaders. As a result, organizations will be better equipped to design customized allyship interventions and training programs that can best support their employees’ development around allyship, equity, and inclusion.

Participate In This Research

We are currently recruiting participants for a study to measure racial allyship. If you have 10+ years of experience in diversity, equity, and inclusion roles in your industry, and have expertise in race/ethnicity issues and/or allyship, please consider participating in this project!

Participation will involve the following:

Preliminary Survey: A brief 20 minute open-ended survey on what racial allyship looks like in your industry. To begin participation in this project, please take this survey here - CLICK HERE.

Focus Group: A 1.5 hour focus group discussion on racial allyship with several other renowned experts across different industries.

Final Survey: A final 15 minute survey on fit of questionnaire items for the measure of racial allyship readiness.

Participants will receive a small token of appreciation for their participation. But you will find most value in diving deep into questions of allyship and connecting with leading experts across industries.

White Paper on Racial Allyship Readiness Questionnaire Project

White Paper R-ARQ.pdf

Test Allyship Readiness in Your Organization

If you are interested in receiving a comprehensive assessment of the levels of allyship interest, skills, and competencies among your employees and leaders, consider rolling out our rigorously developed and tested questionnaire of allyship in your organization. Also receive recommendations for well-targeted interventions to improve equity, inclusion, and harmony. To explore such possibilities, please email Meg Warren at