Ethical Open Science for Past Global Change:

Our overarching aim is to build technical and social capacity among community-curated data repositories in the Quaternary sciences by supporting technical implementation of ethical open science (OS) principles and developing communities of practice focused on CARE (collective benefit, authority to control, responsible, and ethical) and FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) principles.

Functional Trait Resource for Environmental Studies:

FuTRES (Functional Trait Resource for Environmental Studies) is a workflow for assembling functional trait data measured at the specimen level, and a database to serve that data. It is based on a semantic model and is powered by extensible parsers, a backend database, and an API. A key aspect of FuTRES is the ability to collect, store, aggregate, and share data at the individual or specimen and higher levels without loss of information.

Open Traits Network:

The Open Traits Network (OTN) is a global, decentralised community of researchers and institutions focused on standardising and integrating trait data across all organisms.