
2017  Ph.D., Biology; Concentration in Interdisciplinary Science                                                      

Dr. Felisa Smith, University of New Mexico

2010  B.S. Evolution, Ecology, & Biodiversity; Minor Paleobiology

University of California, Davis

RESEARCH INTEREST                                                                                                         

Paleobiology · Macroecology · Macroevolution · Biogeography · Morphology · Traits

Professional Appointments

2022-Current Postdoctoral Fellow, Naturalhistorisk Museum, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway

2021-Current Designated Campus Colleague, School of Information, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA

2019-Current Research Affiliate, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA

2021-23 Environmental Scientist I, National Ecological Observatory Network, Battelle Memorial Institute, Boulder, CO

2021 Assistant Research Scientist, BIO5 Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA

2019-21 Postdoctoral Research Associate, BIO5 Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA

2017-9 Peter Buck Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Paleobiology, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA

2013 Visiting Scholar, National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, Durham, NC, USA

2013-5 Programs in Interdisciplinary Biomedical and Biological Sciences (PIBBS) Fellow, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA

2008 Friday Harbor Laboratories Research Apprenticeship, University of Washington, San Juan Islands, WA, USA




Balk, M.A., Bradley, J., Maruf, M., Altintas, B., Bakis, Y., Bart, H.L. Jr., Breen, D., Florian, C.R., Greenberg, J., Karpatne, A., Karnani, K., Mabee, P., Pepper, J., Jebbia, D., Tabarin, T., Wang, X., Lapp, H. 2024. A FAIR and modular image-based workflow for knowledge discovery in the emerging field of imageomics. Methods in Evolution & Ecology, 15(6): 1129–1145.

Girón Duque, J.C., Mikó, I., Balk, M.A., Dahdul, W., Lapp, W., Alhajjar, E., Wynd, B., Tarasov, S., Lawrence, C. Khakurel, B., Porto, A., Yan, L., Fluck, I.E., Porto, D.S., Keating, J.N., Borokini, I.T., Seltmann, K.C., and Montanaro, G. 2024. Meeting Report for the Phenoscape TraitFest 2023 with Comments on Organizing Interdisciplinary Meetings. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 8:e115232.

Stefancsik, R., Balhoff, J.P., Balk, M.A., Ball, R.L, Bello, S.M., Caron, A.R., Chesler, E.J., de Souza, V., Gehrke, S., Haendel, M., Harris, L.W., Harris, N.L., Ibrahim, A., Koehler, S., Matentzoglu, N., McMurry, J.A., Mungall, C.J., Munoz-Torres, M.C., Putman, T., Robinson, P., Smedley, D., Sollis, E., Thessen, A.E., Vasilevsky, N., Walton, D.O., Osumi-Sutherland, D. 2023. The Ontology of Biological Attributes (OBA) – computational traits for the Life Sciences. Mammalian Genome, 1-15.

Elhamod, M., Khurana, M., Manogaran, H.B., Uyeda, J., Balk, M.A., Dahdul, W.M., Bakis, Y., Bart, H., Mabee, P., Lapp, H., Balhoff, J., Charpentier, C.P., Carlyn, D.E., Chao, W.-L., Stewart, C., Rubenstein, D., Berger-Wolf, T., Karpatne, A. 2023. Discovering novel biological traits from images using phylogeny-guided neural networks. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD).

Hoyt, C.T., Balk, M.A., Callahan, T.J., Domingo-Fernández, Haendel, M.A., et al. 2022. Unifying the identification of biomedical entities with the Bioregistry. Scientific Data, 9(1).

Balk, M.A., Deck, J., Emery, K.F., Walls, R.L., Reuter, D., et al. 2022. A solution to the challenges of interdisciplinary aggregation and use of specimen-level trait data. iScience, 25(10): 105101. doi:10.1016/j.isci.2022.105101

Fraser, D., Villaseñor, A., Tóth, A., Balk, M.A., Eronen, J.T., et al. 2022. Late quaternary biotic homogenization of North American mammalian faunas. Nature Communications, 13(3940). doi:10.1038/s41467-022-31595-8

Kim, S., Yeakel, J.D., Balk, M.A., Eberle, J., Zeichner, S., et al. 2022. Decoding the dynamics of distributions: insights from shark demography and dispersal. 289(1977): 20220808. Proc. R. Soc. B. doi:10.1098/rspb.2022.0808

Sahneh, F., Balk, M.A., Kisley, M., Chan, C.-K., Fox, M., et al. 2021. Ten simple rules to cultivate transdisciplinary collaboration in data science. PLOS Computation Biology. e1008879

Fraser, D., Soul, L.C., Tóth, A.B., Balk, M.A., Eronen, J.T., et al. 2021. Investigating biotic interactions in deep time. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 36(1): 61–75.

Pineda-Munoz, S., Jukar, A., Amatangelo, K., Balk, M.A., Barr, W.A., et al. 2020. Body mass-related changes in mammal community assembly patterns during the late Quaternary of North America. Global Ecology and Biodiversity.

Gallagher, R.V., Falster, DS., Maitner, B., Salguero-Gómez, R., Vandvik, V., et al. 2020. The Open Traits Network: using open science principles to accelerate trait-based sciences across the tree of life. Nature Ecology and Evolution.

Burger, J.R., Anderson, R.A., Balk, M.A., and Fristoe, T.S. 2019. A constraint-based model of dynamic island biogeography: environmental history and species traits predict hysteresis in populations and communities. Frontiers of Biogeography, 11(3): e44383.

Balk, M.A., Betancourt, J.L., and Smith, F.A. 2019. Investigating (a)symmetry in a small mammal's response to warming and cooling events across western North America over the late Quaternary. Quaternary Research, 1-8.

Smith, F.A., Payne, J.L, Heim, N.A., Balk, M.A., Finnegan, S., et al. 2016. Body size across the Geozoic. Annual Reviews Earth & Planetary Science, 44:523–553.

Smith, F.A., Hammond, J.I., Balk, M.A., Elliot, S.M., Lyons, S.K., et al. 2015. Exploring the influence of ancient and historic megaherbivore extirpations on the global methane budget. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(4): 874–879.

Fristoe, T.S., Burger, J.R., Balk, M.A., Khaliq, I., Hof, C., and Brown, J.H. 2015. Metabolic heat production and thermal conductance are mass-independent adaptations to thermal environment in birds and mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(52): 15934–15939.

Pimiento, C. and Balk, M.A. 2015. The extinction of Carcharocles megalodon: A model for understanding long-term microevolutionary body size trends. Paleobiology, 41(3): 479–490.

McClain, C.R., Balk, M.A., Benfield, M.C., Branch, T.A., Chen, C., et al. 2015. Sizing Ocean Giants: Patterns of intraspecific size variation in marine megafauna. Peer J: e715. *

Tomas, F., Abbott, J.M., Steinberg, C., Balk, M., Williams, S.L., and Stachowicz, J.J. 2011. Plant genotype and nitrogen loading influence seagrass productivity, biochemistry, and plant-herbivore interactions. Ecology 92 (9): 1807–1817.


Tsuboi, M., Liow, L.H., De Lisle, S., Grabowski, M., Hopkins, M., Hunt, G., Porto, A., Sztepanacz, J., Voje, K.L., Balk, M.A., Hildesheim, L., Horta-Lacueva, Q., Hohmann, A.H., Lürig, M., Milocco, L., Nilen, S., Passarotto, A., Pontarp, M., Rossani, D., Svennson, E., Villegas, C., Winslott, E., Love, A., and Houle, D. The paradox of predictability and the relationship between micro- and macroevolution. Journal of Experimental Biology.

* Mentored undergraduates

Dual first authors

DATA PRODUCTS                                                                        

Balk, M., Bradley, J., Tabarin, T., and Lapp, H. hdr-bgnn/Minnow_Segmented_Traits: initial release (v1.0.0). Zenodo.

Tabarin, T., Bradley, J. Balk, M., and Lapp, H. hdr-bgnn/Morphology-analysis: Version 1.0.0 (v1.0.0). Zenodo.

Tabarin, T., Bradley, J., Balk, M., and Lapp, H. hdr-bgnn/BGNN_Core_Workflow: Version 1.0.0 (v1.0.0). Zenodo.

Guralnick, R.P., Balk, M.A., Deck, J., Emery, K., Davis, E., et al. 2022. FuTRES (Functional Trait Resource for Environmental Studies) data store archival copy – 5/21/2022 (1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Pimiento, C. and Balk, M.A. 2015. Data from: Body-size trends of the extinct giant shark Carcharocles megalodon: a deep-time perspective on marine apex predators, Dryad, Dataset,


FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits (GitHub)

rfutres, R package for data extraction (GitHub)

RShinyFuTRES, R Shiny App for data standardization (GitHub)

Open Traits Network data lifecycle

MOM, Dataset of mammal body size (GitHub)

UBERON, contribute semantically-defined anatomical terms (GitHub)

Citizen Science project for identifying shark-bitten bones

FUNDING ($495, 488 total)

SELECTED RESEARCH ($486,285 total)                                                                           

2022     Collaborative PI, NSF Award #2226372, Collaborative Research: Disciplinary Improvements for Past Global Change ($59,999)

2021     Collaborative PI (former postdoc), NSF Award #1759808, ABI Innovtion: FuTRES, an Ontology-Based Functional Trait Resource for Paleo- and Neo-biologists ($420,135)

2020        BIO5 Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship ($4,990)*

TRAVEL ($8,104 total)  

TEACHING ($150 total)  

2018        R Consortium, R Users Group Support, Vector Level ($150)

AWARDS ($1,100 total)  

 * Impacted by COVID-19

SELECTED PRESENTATIONS                                                                                                

INVITED: 9 total

Balk, M.A. How do animals respond to a changing planet? Linking micro to macro processes to assess species’ ability to persist. Life on a Sustainable Planet: Exploring and Understanding Biodiversity, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA. Oral presentation and panelist.

Balk, M.A. Traits and diversity data. LTER All-Scientists Meeting in Pacific Grove, CA, USA. Oral presentation and panelist.

Balk, M.A., Tabarin, T., Maruf, M., Dahdul, W., Diamond, et al. Harnessing the Data Revolution: Biology-Guided Neural Networks. Imageomics All-Hands Meeting. Workshop. Oral presentation.

Balk, M.A. and Walls, R. 2019. Measuring Life. Semantic Data Modeling in Anatomy Workshop in Bonn, Germany. Oral Presentation.

Balk, M.A., and Smith, F.A. 2013. A possible asymmetrical response of mammals to temperature. Invited symposia: “The influence of temperature on the evolution and diversification of mammals”. International Mammalogical Congress in Belfast, Ireland. Oral presentation.

CONTRIBUTED: 20 total (14 oral, 6 poster)

Balk, M.A., Voje, K.L. Clonal colonial organisms as a model system for applying evolutionary quantitative genetics to the fossil record. Geologic Society of America Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Oral presentation.

Balk, M.A., Voje, K.L. Assessing evolvability in a fossil lineage using a CV pipeline to produce a phenomic dataset. Computer Vision Forum in Lund, Sweden. Oral presentation.

Balk, M.A. Semantic workflows for findability, ontologies for standardization and interoperability, structured knowledge for data extraction. LTER All-Scientists Meeting in Pacific Grove, CA, USA. Oral presentation.

Balk, M.A., Walls, R.L., Guralnick, R.P., Davis, E.B., Deck, J., et al. 2019. FuTRES: functional trait resource for environmental studies. Biodiversity Next, Leiden, Netherlands. Oral presentation.

Balk, M.A. 2019. Revealing forgotten data. Women in Data Science Blitz. Seminar. Oral presentation.

Balk, M.A., Elliot-Smith, R., Smith, F.A., Grady, J.M., Harding, L., et al. 2017. Here, there, and (almost) everywhere: identifying traits of wide-ranging species. International Biogeography Society Meeting in Tucson, AZ, USA. Oral presentation.

Balk, M.A., Anderson, R.P., Burger J.R., and Fristoe, T.S. 2016. Hysteresis in island biogeography: the role of the past in community assembly. American Quaternary Association 24th Biennial Meeting in Santa Fe, NM, USA. Lightning talk & poster.

Balk, M.A. and Pimiento, C. 2014. Body size change in C. megalodon through time in comparison with contemporaneous marine mega-fauna. North American Paleontological Convention in Gainesville, FL, USA. Oral presentation.

Balk, M.A. and Smith, F.A. 2012. Asymmetrical response to climatic Change. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists in Reno, NV, USA. Oral presentation.

Balk, M.A., Brandenburg, M., Burger, J.R., Chang, M., Colman, D., et al. 2012. Energetic scaling of U.S. academic institutions. University of New Mexico, Department of Biology, Research Day. Albuquerque, NM, USA. Poster.



Omar Cirilli, University of Florence, Florence, Italy and Howard University, Washington, D.C., USA.

Advisor: Dr. Ray Bernor

Role: teach biodiversity informatics, ontologies


Enrico Maria Perlini, Ph.D. student, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.

Advisor: Dr. Lutz Bachmann

Role: Co-supervisor

Irene Zanandrea, Ph.D. student, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.

Advisor: Dr. Kjetil Lysne Voje

Role: Co-supervisor

Helena Machado, Ph.D. student, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA.

Advisor: Dr. Edward B. Davis

Role: teach biodiversity informatics, ontologies

Neeka Sewnath, Ph.D. student, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.

Advisor: Dr. Robert L. Guralnick

Role: teach biodiversity informatics

Dana Reuter, Ph.D. student, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA.

Advisor: Dr. Edward B. Davis

Role: teach data science best practices

Moira Snuffer, MSc. Student, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.

Role: Intern supervision in museum collections, specimen digitization


Lily Sandstrom, Life Science Summer Research Project, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.

Role: Intern supervision in machine learning, data science

Prasiddhi Gyawali, Students Taking Advantage of Research (STAR) program, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA.

Role: Intern supervision in data science, biodiversity informatics 

Jazmin Jones, Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA, USA. Graduated 2020.

Role: Intern supervision in museum collections, specimen digitization 


Prasiddhi Gaywali, Keep Engaging Youth in Science (KEYS) program, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA.

Role: Intern supervision in data science, biodiversity informatics 



2022   Secondary School Guest: Biology, BASIS North, Tucson, Arizona. Class lesson, Who Bit Whom. Secondary School.

2019-20 Instructor, Foundational Open Science Skills, BIO5 Institute, University of Arizona. All levels.

2019        Webinar: Git for Mere Mortals. BIO5 Institute, University of Arizona. All levels.

2018        Co-creator & co-instructor, R Basics Short Course, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. All levels.

2015        Instructor, BIO 402/502, BioBLOG, University of New Mexico. Undergraduate and graduate.


2021 Guest Lecturer, Gigantism, Universität Zürich. "Sizing ocean giants: examples of limits and exceptions." Undergraduate.

2020   Guest Lecturer, Digital Zooarchaeology, University of Florida. "Ontologies." Undergraduate.

2014         Guest Lecturer, Darwin Day Roadshow.  “Paleoecology & Careers in Science.” Undergraduate.

2012         Guest Lecturer,  Global Change Biology, University of New Mexico. “Mammal responses to climate variability: focus on paleoclimatic patterns.” Undergraduate and graduate.


2015        Teaching assistant, BIO 112L, Biology for Non-Majors Lab, University of New Mexico. Undergraduate.

2015        Teaching assistant, BIO 419/519, Macroecology, University of New Mexico. Undergraduate and graduate.

2014        Teaching assistant, BIO 419/519, Ecology of the Past, University of New Mexico. Undergraduate and graduate.

2012        Teaching assistant, BIO 247L, Anatomy and Physiology, University of New Mexico. Undergraduate.

2012        Teaching assistant, BIO 419/519, Global Change Biology, University of New Mexico. Undergraduate and graduate.

2012        Teaching assistant, BIO 402/502, BioBLOG, University of New Mexico. Undergraduate and graduate.

2011–3  Teaching assistant, BIO 248L, Anatomy and Physiology II. Undergraduate.

2010–1  Teaching assistant, BIO 202, Genetics. Undergraduate.

WORKSHOPS & WORKING GROUPS                                                                                                      

2021 Organized Oral Session, Ecological Society of America, Virtual*

2021 NeotomaDB Hackathon, Virtual

2021 EarthRates, Virtual

2020-21 Functional Trait Resource for Environmental Studies, Virtual*

2019        Functional Trait Resource for Environmental Studies workshop, Eugene, OR, USA*

2019       Semantic Data Modeling in Anatomy workshop, Bonn, Germany (virtual)

2018        OpenTraits workshop, New Orleans, LA, USA

2018        Data Carpentry, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, USA

2017        Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, USA

2014        Research Sprint, National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, Durham, NC, USA

2011        Analytical Paleobiology Database Short Course, Sydney, Australia

* Organized

SELECTED SERVICE AND OUTREACH                                                                                                             


2022 Panel, Conservation Paleobiology Working Group

2012-22 Reviewer, Systematic Biology, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Biodiversity Data Journal, Science, Quaternary Research, Global Change Biology, Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research


2018 Co-Organizer and Data Blitz Team Lead, Women in Data Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.

2018 Organizer of R user group bi-weekly meet-ups (NMNH)

2015 Founder and Co-President, Advancing Women in Science (UNM)

2013 Research Day judge, Department of Biology (UNM)

2012 Miss Representation viewing and panel organizer, Women’s Resource Center (UNM)

2011 Educator, Field Trip, Freshman Learning Community (UNM)

2011 Panel participant, Undergraduate Opportunities Program Graduate (UNM)


2024 Interviewed, Smithsonian Magazine

Press Release, A New Era in Biology Unfolds with Imageomics Workflow Research

2023 Interviewed, Whanganui Chronicle, International scientists look for two-million-year-old fossils in Whanganui

2018 Interviewed by the Late Late Early Early Show by Paul Ross about The Meg

                     Interviewed by Science News about The Meg 

                     Panelist, JAWS, Wolftrap

                     Interviewed by Ocean Portal about predation research

                     Expert, Jurassic World, The Kennedy Center

                     R NMNH bi-monthly meet-up organizer, NMNH

                     Expert, Deep Time Paleoclimate Symposium, SI NMNH

                     Expert, Digging Up Dessa, The Kennedy Center

2017        Scientist is In, National Museum of Natural History

2016        Volunteer and logo designer, American Quaternary Association Meeting

2015        Guest writer, The Panama Canal Project eNewsletter

2013        Guest blog, The Contemplative Mammoth

2012–6  BioBlog, University of New Mexico

2012–4  Volunteer, New Mexico Museum of Natural History