Jason Edward and Megan Kleven

Megan Kleven and Jason Edward have been jamming together on and off for several years.  They first met through a songwriter's group in Rochester, MN and found appreciation for the songs each other would write.  From there they went on to play together in a few projects around the region including the Driftless Troubadours and Spartz Electric.  

With music in their hearts and a reputation you can trust, Megan and Jason always look forward to telling stories, sharing laughs, and bringing you along for the ride with a nice selection of cover songs -- both obscure and common-- and their original songs, many of which have become regional favorites.  

The duo is currently booking for the upcoming season and summer outdoor performance opportunities are always appreciated.  

Streaming Media (CD/EP)

Megan Kleven
Jason and Megan at J&J BBQ in Nelson WI
Megan and Jason - Goodview Farmers Market
Jason Edward