Medical and Laser Group 



Applied Physics Seminars and other events ** NEW **

You can follow some of the Medical physics Group activities and seminars in the new
You Tube channel

Jobs opportunities

No position at the moment

The Medical Physics Group of INFN-LNS operates in the field of Nuclear, Laser, Accelerators, radiobiology, imaging and computing physics with a particular focus on their applications to the medicine and laser science;

It is funded by the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics as well as by European, Regional and University initiatives.

The Group collaborates with local research institutions (the University of Catania, "S Cannizzaro" and "Policlinic " hospitals, Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare and Struttura della Materia), National Research Institutes (CNR) and International Research Institutes (CERN (CH), ELI-Beamlines (CZ), Vinka Institute (SB), Queens University (UK), Wollongong University (Australia))

The Group is active in the fields of:


Upcoming events 

19th Software Seminar of INFN, June 2019, Alghero (Italy)

Past events 

VIII Geant4 International School, Belgrade (Serbia)

VII Geant4 International School, July 2019, Kracow (Polland)

16th Software Seminar of INFN, June 2019, Alghero (Italy)