
Faraday Cup for absolute dosimetry

For the absolute dosimetry system, an innovative Faraday Cup (FC) has been recently designed and developed within the ELIMED collaboration. Its technical design was inspired to similar detectors already developed for ion-beam dosimetry, but innovative geometrical solutions have been adopted in order to further improve the overall charge collection efficiency.

Microdosimetry for charged particles

A collaboration with the Center for Medical Radiation Physics of the University of Wollongong was established to characterized a new generation of silicon detectors for microdosimetric applications.

Silicon Carbide detectors for relative dosimetry

A new generation of solid-state detector for dosimetric application based on Silicon Carbide (SiC) technology was investigated. The investigated SiC detector showed a stable response, with variations within the experimental uncertainties, as evaluated by the reproducibility measurements. A good behaviour in terms of linearity as respect to released dose was found.