About MECB

MECB commenced its technical consulting services in January 2005.   MECB's legal entity status is that of a Limited Liability Company registered with the Malta Business Registry.   Below is more specific information about our structure, core team and affiliations.

Our Affiliations:

Our Team:

Our team  members make MECB a  truly  multidisciplinary partnering organisation.    All our staff  are university graduates, with several trained to Masters and Doctoral level.   MECB's organisation is based on a lean structure that allows us to quickly react to requests coming from both our clients and partners. MECB's core team consists of a number of experienced inidividuals, all trained to postgraduate level. 

Key Staff

Throughout his career, Jonathan has been able to blend academic and industrial work experiences, this reflected in his diverse roles such as being a Full Professor  at the University of Malta, yet applying his technical expertise through MECB Ltd, an established technical innovation consultancy bureau he setup and manages.  As MECB's CEO, he manages a multi-disciplinary team of 22 individuals that assist organisations both in Malta and across the EU, to acquire knowledge and skills by which they can  innovate and reduce the waste of time, money, materials, man hours, energy and other resources.    

Emmanuel is passionate about technology, especially digital technologies and how these can be implemented to solve real world problems.  Having obtained a doctorate in Digital Manufacturing from the University of Malta,  Emmanuel is a trained scientist and experienced researcher.  As MECB's CTO, Emmanuel  applies the knowledge he gained throughout his career to support a diverse range of industries in developing and applying innovative solutions. Over the past years he has also developed expertise in teaching and knowledge transfer,  especially in the delivery of online learning experiences via online media such as e-Learning material.  

Our Base - Mediteranean Malta:

MECB Ltd is based in the Mediterranean island of Malta, in the town of Iklin.  We are strategically located to research institutions such as the University of Malta, industrial estates such as Mosta Technopark and yet very close to some of Malta's best touristic locations, the latter relevant for our activities involving hosting EU and international partners. 

Our Privacy Policy 

MECB Ltd makes every effort to ensure that data collected and personal information provided is treated lawfully and correctly.   In this respect, MECB has as from 25th May 2018 updated its data policy to meet the new  General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  In this respect, MECB's data policy is aimed towards ensuring that your personal data is processed fairly and legally.  

For what we need your personal data for :

a) to identify how our activities and services including web-based  experiences can be improved;

b)  for sending you digital newsletters;

c) for providing you with  information on events we plan to organize both in Malta and abroad;

d) for occasionally contacting you to get feedback through a questionnaire on topics that may be within your area of expertise ;

How we will use your personal data until you unsubscribe:

1. Data is processed in accordance with good practice

2. Data is not kept longer than necessary

3. Data is at all times correct and up-to-date

4. Data  is adequate and relevant for the above declared objectives of processing

5. No personal data is processed more than is necessary having regard to the purpose of the processing

6. All reasonable measures are taken to complete, correct, block or erase data that is incomplete and incorrect

7.  We will not disclose your personal data to any third party unless we obtain your specific approval to do so.  

Type of data we collect from you:

1.  Your name and surname

2.  Your email address

3.  Your organisation name and address

4.  Your other contact details eg. mobile number

5. In the case of a questionnaire, which you opt to reply, we collect your answers to the questions raised.

6.   We will not collect any Special Categories of Personal Data about you.  This includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data).  Nor does MECB collect any information about criminal convictions and offences.

7.  We may also collect your IP address automatically as you interact with our website. This is in the interest of ensuring that there is no malicious use of our website and for maximum protection to your data.

If you have any queries and concerns about the above, MECB may be contacted by email to info@mecb.com.mt or by phone at  +356 2141 0010.    It is your right to lodge a complaint with the Office of the Information and Data Protection Commissioner in Malta if you think we are not using your data fairly and legally.
