Deer Hunting

2023 Hunting Log

October 1 - October 30

Although a number of deer were seen none were taken during bow season this year.  A few shots were missed by a hunter who wishes to remain nameless.  Actually there was probably less bow hunting this year than any year in recent memory.  Less and less deer were seen as the season progressed until by the end of the season deer sightings were few and far between.

November 15 - December 30

Gun season started much like bow season ended, with a lack of deer sightings.  However Dave's Blind continued to be a hot spot for deer sightings as Michael saw a nice buck on Opening Day.  But as is so often the case no shot was presented or taken.  Later that day Michael was able to take a nice doe.  Not to be outdone, Kaitlyn put the hammer down on a nice doe the following day, again from Dave's Blind.  Ironically that doe was found not ten yards from where Michael had cleaned his doe the previous day. The regular gun season ended with no further deer taken.  Thank goodness for the late antlerless season as Chris' freezer was empty.  Dave's Blind came through again as Chris took  a doe early into the extended season.  Finally after many days of staring at the same deerless view from Rye Patch, Steve took his doe about 45 minutes after Chris took his and our season was over.

2022 Hunting Log

October 1 - October 30

Chris Bowyer started the bow season by taking a doe from Dave's Blind.  After waiting overnight and tracking for about an hour she was found ten feet from Chris' driveway.  Chris had driven past her at least five times.  It was Steve's turn next as he took a doe from The Dark Tower.  His went a little farther than Chris' as after an evening tracking session where we left he standing in Coe Creek looking at us, Steve found her the next morning just where we left her the night before.  Huge thanks to Willie Holmes for using his side by side to retrieve her.  Chris wrapped up bow season by taking a nice doe from Cherry Tree bow blind.  A lot of does but very few shooter bucks were seen in bow season.

November 15 - November 30

The picture shows you the highlight of this year's deer camp.  Kaitlyn bagging her first deer from the last deer blind her grandfather ever built.  It was epic.  Maybe not quite as epic as this tiny ten year old holding court at the dinner table that night as eight grizzled hunters listened as she told and retold her story.  A tale that over time will surely include the slightly exaggerated part where Michael pushed her out the window to get a better angle.  When Rob told her the best part was she didn't have to get up early the next day her reply was also epic "Yes I do, I have another tag!"  Deer camp wouldn't be complete if Rob didn't shoot his yearly deer which this year was a doe from Carey's Blind.  Heavy and unexpected snow put a damper on things as John and Nate Jobson could not get here from Grand Rapids and others wisely chose to leave early.  We welcomed Rick and Scott Smith to there first but hopefuly not last Meadowbrook Deer Camp.  Steve ended the season by takig a doe from Rye Patch.

2021 Hunting Log

October 1 - October 30

There was not a lot of bow hunting here at Meadowbrook this fall.  Bow camp was cancelled so Chris and Steve were the only hunters.  The hot weather early, the fact Steve's bow was in the shop for 12 days, and Mac Stephen Bowyer was born on October 25 left precious few hunting days available.  Even with all of those excuses Steve was able to take a large doe from Cherry Tree Bow Blind.  As they tend to do the doe headed south down the steep bank to the river where she tried to swim across but was unable to exit the river and perished on the edge of the south side of the river.  Chris and I had to cross the bridge and drive the four wheeler down old abandoned trails to find her but find and retrieve we did.  Early in November Chris and I began to see a number of young bucks chasing does.  Steve saw one shooter from a distance and Chris passed on one barely legal 6 point.  In late October Steve took his second doe of the year with his crossbow.  This time from Dark Tower at Rye Patch.

November 15 - November 30

With our deer camp starting on Friday November 19 and the traditional deer season opening on Monday November 15, Steve found himself hunting alone at Meadowbrook on Opening Day.  He had told everyone he wasn't hunting until everyone got there but Chris convinced him he had to go out on Opening Day.  Steve is sure glad he did because at about 8:30 am he saw and harvested the biggest buck of his life, an 8-point with a 20 inch inside spread.  On Friday when our "Deer Camp" began Bruce Jellison wasted no time shooting a doe from Rye Patch before 8:00 am.  He was not done.  Within an hour he had shot a five point also from Rye Patch Blind.  No need to mention he missed it with the first shot when it walked off and returned a few minutes later.  Big mistake because Bruce made a great 220 yard shot.  There was no need to mention Bruce's miss because we didn't mention Steve's buck was also taken with a second shot as his first shot was, apparently, a clean miss.

2020 Hunting Log

October 1 - October 30

This year's bow season far out paced last year's when zero deer were taken.  This year Michael harvested the first doe of the year from the newly built Dark Tower Blind.  Steve followed with two does with his crossbow.  The first from Rob's Blind and the second from a recently purchased pop-up blind placed at the end of the Ice House cut.  

November 15 - November 30

Deer Season took on a different look due to Covid 19.  To the dismay of all, our traditional deer camp was cancelled.  That being said, there were still four does taken.  Amy Webster's friend Ben shot a doe from North Swamp Blind.  Steve shot a doe from Cherry Tree Blind which headed south over the ridge and almost made it to the river.  Thanks to Chris Bowyer, family friend Willie Holmes, a long rope, and a four wheeler, with much effort we were able to retrieve her.  The final doe of the season was taken by Chris on November 27 from Dave's blind.  Believing we had taken enough does off the property Chris went to the Rockwell property the next day to harvest our last doe of the year, we thought.  Dave Washburn, Chris' father in law, and his neighbor who were denied the chance to hunt this year at their regular property due to Covid 19 were invited to hunt at Meadowbrook in the late doe gun season.  After 15 minutes of daylight Carlin Cooper took a doe from Carey's blind and ended our season.

2019 Hunting Log

October 1 - October 30

No deer, in fact, no shots were taken during bow season this year.

November 15 - November 30

Steve Bowyer begin his season by taking a nice 6-point from Rye Patch on Opening Day. He ended his season by taking a doe from Rye Patch 15 minutes before the end of the season on November 30. In between Bruce Jellison took his third doe at Meadowbrook. This time from Ice House which to everyone's surprise was vacated by Nate Jobson. Chris Bowyer finally set his bow aside and used a rifle to take his doe from Cherry Tree.

2018 Hunting Log

October 1 - October 30

Michael Bowyer again had to fly in from Utah to become the only successful bow hunter this year. He took a nice doe from rye patch on October 2. Chris and Steve were busy building a new house so that surely explains why more deer were not taken.

November 15 - November 30

Great hunting conditions blessed us for early gun season with fresh snow and light winds. New silent heaters were a big hit. Nate Jobson started the action by taking a nice doe from Ice House mid afternoon on opening day. Steve Bowyer followed suit by taking a doe from Rye Patch later in the day. After two days with no deer taken Ben finished off deer camp by taking his fourth doe from Dave's Blind on Sunday morning.

2017 Hunting Log

October 1 - October 30

Michael Bowyer had to fly in from Utah to become the only successful bow hunter this year. He took a nice doe

from rye patch on October 1.

November 15 - November 30

Wind and rain were the dominate factors for gun season.  A few does were seen while Ed took an unsuccessful shot at a nice buck from Rob's Blind.  For the first time in memory no deer were taken during deer camp.  Luckily Ben broke the drought with a nice doe taken over Thanksgiving Weekend. 

2016 Hunting Log

October 1 - October 30

For two years in a row no deer were taken in the early bow season here at Meadowbrook. A number of shooter  bucks were seen and one was lucky enough to avoid an arrow shot in his direction. Michael, fresh off a plane from Utah, took some 60 yard antelope shots only to learn that Michigan whitetails know when to duck.

November 15 - November 30

Gun season started out slowly as only Ed, Tom Carey, and Steve were here the first few days of Gun Season. The weather was unusually warm with temperatures in the mid 60's Tuesday thru Friday. A lot of does and a few shooter bucks were seen but none were taken. Things picked up when Bruce Jellison took his second doe in two years from Dave's blind on Friday morning.  On Saturday the weather took a dramatic change with snow and temperatures in the high 20's. Also on Saturday Rob took an interesting 10 point from Carey's blind. This deer appeared on the trail cam pictures and can be seen by following the 2016 Trail Cam Buck link. On Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend Steve took a doe from Rob's blind while listening to Michigan get beat by Ohio State. All in all a good day.

2015 Hunting Log

October 1 - October 30

This is the first year in memory that no deer were taken during the early bow season. Many deer were seen, including a number of shooter bucks but they eluded the hunters of Meadowbrook.  There were two shots taken by a hunter whose name will go unmentioned.  The good news in both shots were clean misses and no deer were   harmed in the making of the Go Pro video.

November 15 - November 30

Success came on the opening day of gun season when young Bruce Jellison, after passing on many immature not to mention illegal bucks, was rewarded with the appearance of a nice doe at 100 yards.  After waiting patiently for a good broadside view Bruce made a good shot and the doe dropped where she stood.  Rob was able to experience the feeling that all fathers who sit with their son or daughter feel when their child makes his or her first successful shot.  I am not sure who was more excited Bruce or Rob but it is the kind of experience that makes deer season memorable for all.  Congratulations Bruce and welcome to the family of successful Meadowbrook deer hunters.


December 1 - December 30

Just when we thought this might be a one deer year the second bow season started with a bang. On December 2 Chris Bowyer took a nice doe with his bow from East Swamp bow blind. The next night Steve Bowyer took a doe with his crossbow from Cherry Tree bow blind. Of course Steve's was slightly larger than the one taken by Chris.

2014 Hunting Log

October 1 - October 19  

The early bow season saw two successful hunters harvest a doe.  Michael Bowyer from Dave's Blind on a very rainy October 3rd morning and Steve Bowyer from Rob's blind on October 16.  Steve's doe marked the first deer taken with a crossbow at Meadowbrook while Michael's doe was the second one he has taken from Dave's Blind with his bow. No real good bucks were seen but most hunters have seen some deer while hunting.

October 19 - November 14

Many deer were seen none were taken and none were even in any real danger.  Only one shooter buck was seen and passed - a small 7-point seen twice at Ice House.  Chris and Steve did see and hear three different bucks chasing does and grunting on November 7th, the last day of bow hunting before the one week quiet period leading up to gun season.  

November 15 - November 18 (Deer Camp)

This year's group had 11 hunters.  Tom Jobson, John Jobson, Nate Jobson, Steve Bowyer, Chris Bowyer,

Ben Bowyer, Ed Mowinski, Brent Mowinski, Bryce Mowinski, Rob Jellison, and Bruce Jellison made up this year's group. Opening Day and weekend were pretty quiet at Meadowbrook and from all accounts, across the entire area.  Less deer than normal were seen and none were shot by Meadowbrook hunters during the weekend opener.  Bruce Jellison had a chance for his first deer but the nice doe he had in his sights dashed into cover just in time.  A great and lifelong memory was made for Bruce and Rob as well as all at deer camp who enjoyed the telling and retelling of Bruce's story.  We assured Bruce we all had similar stories and that his time would come.  We all hope we are around when it does.  We had to cancel Tom Carey's group the second weekend due to 18" of snow and extremely cold temperatures.


November 19 - November 30

Thanksgiving weekend saw two does taken from Dave's blind.  The first by Ben Bowyer, to extend his streak to seven consecutive years.  Mike followed a few days later by taking his second doe of the year and his fourth deer overall from Dave's blind.

2013 Hunting Log

October 1

Opening morning found Chris at Cherry Tree bow blind, Steve scouting from Rye Patch gun blind, Ed in Dave's blind and Brent, where else would he be after last year, at Icehouse.  Chris saw nothing.  Steve saw ten does and fawns.  Ed saw one doe and Brent saw nothing.  That evening Brent saw 2 spikes and another buck at dark, Ed saw a spike horn at Spine Tingler north.  Steve saw no deer at hourglass while Chris saw a nice 6-point right at dark.  No shots were taken.

October 3

Chris went to North Football Field and at 6:30 a beautiful 9 point headed into range.  After waiting about 4 minutes for a good shot to present itself Chris finally got his opportunity.  But as has happened to many of us the shot sailed over top of the deer.  A review of Chris's GoPro video showed the deer actually ducked the arrow by dropping to his knees as the shot was taken.  This was Chris' first miss as a bow hunter.  I wish I could say the same.  That night Chris last saw this buck walking calmly toward Icehouse.   He also saw it, uninjured, from a distance a few days later. 

November 15-November 18 (Deer Camp)

This year's group had 9 hunter's and one apprentice.  Tom Jobson, John Jobson, Nate Jobson, Steve Bowyer, Chris Bowyer, Ben Bowyer, Ed Mowinski, Brent Mowinski, Rob Jellison, and Bruce Jellison made up this year's group.  Opening morning many deer were seen and the highlight of this year occurred when 11 year old Nate Jobson took his first deer, a nice 8 point from Icehouse while sitting with his dad John.  Later that evening Rob Jellison dropped a doe from Rob's Blind allowing young 9 year old Bruce Jellison to experience his first successful deer hunt.  At least three other legal bucks were passed up as our hunters want to see the 5 and 6 point bucks grow at least one more year. This was really only a two day hunting camp as Sunday saw torrential rain and 50 mph wind.

November 18- November 30

Tom Carey and his group came in the second weekend of the season.  The deer seemingly disappeared for a few days as they saw no deer while hunting.  The last week was also quite slow but Ben Bowyer was able to extend his 5 year streak to six years by taking a nice doe at the far end of Rye Patch on November 29.

2012 Hunting Log

October 1

Opening Morning Chris went to Football Field and saw 6 deer.  Brent went to Ice House and saw 3 deer.  Ed saw nothing at Cherry Tree and Steve saw 2 fork horns and 1 doe from Rye Patch gun blind.  That evening Ed again saw nothing at Cherry Tree,  Chris saw 3 does at Rye Patch East, while Steve saw another fork horn at Twin Pines. The big story is Brent who saw 3 bucks and 6 does from Ice House before taking a beautiful 8 point.

October 2 - November 14

Bow season was fairly slow.  Rainy weekends and some very warm weather in between slowed things down.  The Carey group saw some deer and had some close calls but no shots were taken.  Steve and Chris hunted quite often through the end of October and early November with no deer taken.  Chris started drawing a few times but those deer have great hearing.  (A quieter arrow west has been purchased and installed in his bow.)

November 15-November 18 (Deer Camp)

This year, as has become a revered tradition, Steve, Ed, and Tom Jobson arrived a day early and did all the cooking for this years hunters.  They were joined later on Wednesday by Tom Carey, Chris Bowyer, John Jobson and Nate Jobson. Brent Mowinski and Rob Jellison arrived Friday night to make a solid group of nine hunters.  Few bucks but a decent amount of does were seen this year.  Young Nate Jobson had his first encounter with a shooter buck but the chance was fleeting.  I am sure he is still talking about the excitement of it all and hopefully we have hooked a future hunter.  Rob took a decent doe from Rye Patch on a very foggy Saturday morning with the help of his always alert and NEVER SNORING guide Steve Bowyer.  Eddie passed on a 6-point at Dave's blind Saturday night but returned on Sunday night and took a nice 4 point in the thick brush north east of Dave's Blind.  He thought it was the previous night's 6-point as it had three points on the side he saw but alas it only had 1 point on the other. It appeared to be an older deer so it was a good deer to harvest.

November 19- November 30

Ben Bowyer was able to extend his streak to 5 years by taking a nice doe from Rye Patch. 

2011 Hunting Log

October 1  

Opening Morning Chris went to Ice House and saw one deer in football field. That evening Steve went to Hourglass where he saw 3 does and a buck larger than anything in the slideshow below.  (All too far for a shot.) Chris saw three bucks from Twin Pines.  While watching two fight off to the north he was surprised by a shooter that walked down the railroad grade and right through his shot window before he had a chance to turn and get set for a shot.  When Steve drove from Hourglass to pick up Chris he saw five deer in East Swamp and a least ten at Rye Patch.

October 2

Steve went to Ice House Sunday evening and saw  three does and a nice shooter buck.  Passed on a shot at the doe waiting in vain for the buck to get closer.  On the other hand at Rye Patch, Chris had much the same scenario however his buck did get within range.  Chris made a perfect double lung pass through shot at 32 yards.  The deer was easily tracked and found in the woods east of Rye Patch.  The nice 8 point traveled only about 75 yards from where it was shot.  It can be seen hanging above the window seat in the lodge.

October 3-14

Warm weather has pretty much slowed down the deer sightings.  Young Wyatt Holmes did see two spike horns on October 7th but was unable to get a shot at his first deer with a bow.  Hopefully cooler weather is on the way.

October 15-22

Rainy weather limited the number of hunts however Steve did see 5 does walk by at 10 yards while in the East Swamp dug in blind and Chris had 4 does chased around by a 4-point at Football Field.  Tom Carey's group saw some does and one spike over the weekend but no shots were taken.

October 23- November 14

Not a lot of hunting took place.  Chris did see a nice six point at Icehouse and a few spike horns and four points were wandering around.  The only shot was a miss by Steve at at doe at twin pines.  (The sun got in my eyes.)

November 15- November 20(Deer Camp)

It was a quiet opening week.  Tom Jobson, Ed Mowinski, Tom Carey, Steve Bowyer, and Chris Bowyer were in camp on Opening Day.  Tom Jobson got a glimpse of a nice shootable buck at Icehouse early on the first day. Chris and Ed saw quality bucks during the week also.  Does were around and everyone saw their share.  The only two shots were taken by Steve.  One at a running coyote and one at a potential 6-8 point way at the backside of Rye Patch.  Where were Rob or Ben when we needed them?  Bruce Rivera, John Jobson, and young Nate Jobson joined us for the weekend.  Again deer were seen but none were in any real danger.  As always it was a very enjoyable deer camp as great friends gathered at a great place make for a great time.  See you next year.

November 21- December 1

Deer became scarcer and scarcer as the season wrapped up.  Ben was able to take a nice doe on Thanksgiving Friday.  Michael sat in the brush and got within 30 yards of 6 deer.   

December 1 - December 31

Muzzleloader season was slow.  Steve did see a 4-point and a 6-point on the first day of the season at rye patch and in retrospect should have taken a shot but he was waiting for a doe that never appeared.  Many hours of hunting not only failed to produce a deer it failed to produce a sighting.  The consensus with area hunters is that there are much less deer than even a few years ago.

Successful 2010 Hunters

Ben with his Doe

Rob's Doe and 5 Point Buck

Steve's Doe

Successful 2008 Hunters

Tom Carey 5-Point

Ben Hanging his Doe in Barn

6-Point Bow Buck for Chris

Deer Hunting Log

Deer Killed at Meadowbrook

Gun Blinds

Cherry Tree

Rye Patch

Carey's Blind

Football Field

Spine Tingler

Ice House

Rob's Blind

North Swamp

East Swamp

Dave's Blind

Bow Blinds

Cherry Tree

Dark Tower


Ice Cube