Mesa History:
The Washington Escobedo Heritage Neighborhood

Learn the history of the Washington Escobedo Neighborhood, including 💠 Veora Johnson - the first black, female principal in Mesa. Johnson Elementary school is named after her 💠 Booker T. Washington Elementary School - the original building (1920-1964) was the only school for African American children in Mesa and surrounding areas 💠 The Alston House and Dr. Lucius Charles Alston - the first black physician in Mesa

Veora Johnson

Veora Johnson Elementary School was named after her. Watch a video on the school website.

She was the first president of the Delta Beta Omega Chapter of the Alpha Sigma sorority.

In 1967 she became the first female African American principal in Mesa Public Schools.

Click here to read about her many accomplishments!

Booker T. Washington Elementary School

Washington Escobedo Historic Neighborhood