At-Home Arts and Crafts

Homemade Paint


  • Container(s)--empty condiment bottles work great!

  • Mixing bowl

  • Funnel

  • Food coloring

  • 2 cups of flour

  • 2 cups of salt

  • 2 cups of water

How to Make It

  1. Combine equal parts water, flour, and salt in the mixing bowl

  2. Funnel mixture into your containers

  3. Place small drops of food coloring into the containers

  4. Shake to mix the paint

  5. Add food coloring until desired shade is achieved

  6. Add bits of water after adding the color to get a smoother consistency

Rock Painting

General Materials:

  • Paint

    • Acrylic

    • Spray

    • Pen form

  • Paint brushes

  • Sharpies

  • Rocks



  • The above general materials

  • Tiny pot(s)

  • Filling (ex. newspaper, dirt, packing peanuts, cloth)

How to Make:

  1. Clean your rock(s)!

  2. Using a green paint of your choice (acrylic, spray, or pen), paint your entire rock

  3. Once your rock is dry, you can use sharpies or paint to start adding the needles in whatever design you'd like

  4. When your cactus is done, fill your tiny pot with some newspaper or cloth and plant your cacti!



  • The above general materials

  • Googly eyes

How to Make:

  1. Clean your rock(s)! A flat, round one works best.

  2. Paint your whole rock red and let it dry

  3. On one side of the rock, paint a black oval near the edge

  4. Using a sharpie, draw a line down the middle of the rock from the oval to the opposite edge

  5. Use a sharpie or paint to create several black dots over the red paint on the side with the oval

  6. Stick googly eyes on the oval to finish your ladybug!


How to Make:

  1. Clean your rock(s)!

  2. Using the color of your choice, paint your entire rock and let it dry

  3. With white paint, make eraser-sized dots for your monster's eye(s) (doesn't have to be 2!)

  4. Once the white paint has dried, take a sharpie and add the pupils, as well as a mouth

  5. If you want your monster to have teeth, use the white paint to add them on to the sharpied mouth


How to Make:

  1. Clean your rock(s)!

  2. Use a yellow paint to either cover your entire rock or make a large circle on one side and fill it in

  3. Once the yellow paint has dried, you can use sharpies and other paint colors to draw your favorite emojis!


How to Make:

  1. Clean your rock(s)!

  2. Using an M&M color (usually yellow, blue, green, red, orange, and brown), paint your rock (you can leave a portion unpainted to make it look like it's been bitten!)

  3. Once your rock is dry, use a black sharpie to draw the eyes and mouth, and a white sharpie/paint to draw the "m"

  4. If you left a portion unpainted, use the white sharpie/paint to line the edge of the unpainted section

Tic Tac Toe


  • The above general materials

    • 10 rocks

    • 2 paint colors + white paint

  • A small bag to hold your rocks when you're done

How to Make:

  1. Clean your rocks!

  2. Paint 5 of your rocks the first color, and the other 5 the second color, let them dry

  3. Using white paint, make an "X" on 5 rocks, and an "O" on the other 5

  4. Use a sharpie to outline your X's and O's

  5. You can add patterns to your rocks by using sharpies or toothpicks with paint

  6. When your rocks are finished, use your sharpie to draw a tic-tac-toe board (four intersecting lines) on your bag

  7. Put your rocks in your bag, and when you're ready to play, you can use your bag!

Fingerprint Painting


  • Ink pad or paint

  • Paper

  • Colored markers

  • Sharpies


How to Make:

  1. Using an ink pad or paint, dip your finger enough to lightly coat it, then press away!

  2. Use your fingerprints to create the shape of an animal's face or body and use a sharpie to add it's arms, legs, and other features

  3. Example: Cat

      • Put a color (ex. orange) on your thumb and pointer finger

      • Make a sideways thumbprint for the body, then press your pointer finger on the upper left corner of the thumbprint for the head

      • On the head, using a sharpie, draw two dots above an upside-down triangle, with two "U"s coming out of the triangle's tip

      • Add whiskers by drawing three lines on either side of the face

      • For ears, draw two bottomless triangles on top of the head

      • Add some stripes to the body with your sharpie extending from the top of your thumbprint

      • Then draw two front legs and two back legs underneath the body

      • Finally, draw a long, skinny "S" from the back of the body for your cat's tail!


How to Make:

  1. Using a green marker, draw the stem and leaves of your flower/plant

  2. Pick a color or two and place fingerprints above or on your stem to create a flower or multiple flowers!


How to Make:

  1. Using a brown marker, draw the trunk and branches of your tree

  2. Use green paint and your fingers to create the leaves on the branches!

Ocean Life

How to Make:

  1. Using an ink pad or paint, dip your finger enough to lightly coat it, then press away!

  2. Use your fingerprints to create the shape of an animal's face or body and use a sharpie to add it's arms, legs, and other features

  3. Example: Fish

    • Pick a color and make a sideways thumbprint

    • Draw a dot and a small curve on one side for the eye and smile

    • Draw three fins, one on the top, the bottom, and the back

    • Add little 7's to make scales and small circles next to your fish near the mouth for air bubbles

Edible Slime

Gummy Bears


  • 1 bag of gummy bears

  • 1 tbsp of corn starch

How to Make:

  1. Microwave gummy bears for 30 seconds

  2. Add corn starch and mix

  3. Knead with hands when cool



  • 1 bag of Starburst candies

  • 1/4 cup of powdered sugar

  • 1/4 cup of corn starch

  • Wax paper

How to Make:

  1. Put the starburst candies in the microwave for two 30-second intervals, stirring in between

  2. Mix powdered sugar and corn starch and pour mixture on wax paper

  3. Pour the melted candy over the mixture

  4. Knead, pull, and stretch with the mixture (wait until cool enough to touch)



  • 8 oz bag of medium marshmallows

  • 1 packet of Kool-Aid mix

  • 2-4 cups of powdered sugar

  • 2-4 tbsps of canola oil

  • Wax paper

How to Make:

  1. Microwave marshmallows and 1 tbsp of oil for 30-60 seconds

  2. Once melted, add 1 cup of powdered sugar and mix

  3. Then sprinkle 1 cup of powdered sugar onto parchment/wax paper

  4. Place mixture on paper and knead with the rest of the powdered sugar, Koolaid mix, and oil until no longer sticky

"Calm Down" Jars

Galaxy Jar


  • Glass jar

  • Water

  • Fine glitter

  • Paint

  • Cotton balls

How to Make:

  1. Fill ⅓ of the jar with water

  2. Add several drops of paint, close the jar and shake to mix

  3. Add some glitter

  4. Stretch out cotton balls, add them to the jar until the bottom is filled with cotton balls, press them down with a stick or knife

  5. Fill another ⅓ of the jar with water and repeat the first several steps with a different color paint

  6. Fill the final ⅓ and repeat with one more color

Firefly Jar


  • Glass jar (recycled pickle jar)

  • Glow in the dark fabric paint (tulip brand glow paint)

  • Paint brush

How to Make:

  1. Clean jar thoroughly and let dry

  2. Choose your colors and squeeze a bit of each onto a piece of scratch paper

  3. Dot the paint on the inside of the jar with a paintbrush starting at the bottom working up towards the top

    • You could also shake the paintbrush while inside the jar to create a splatter paint effect

    • Add larger dots for “planets” or make constellations

  4. Let the jar dry under the sun or a bright light for at least 2 hours to charge the paint

  5. Turn the lights off and enjoy!

Element Jar


  • Small or large jars

  • Paint

    • Earthy colors: brown, green

    • Sun colors: yellow, red, orange

    • Sky colors: blue, white

    • Moon colors: black, silver glitter

  • Cotton balls

  • Water

How to Make:

  1. Add water

  2. Stuff cotton ball(s)

  3. Add paint

  4. Use the handle of a paintbrush to push the cotton ball in areas the paint is

  5. Stuff more cotton and add more paint


  1. Paint the cotton, then stuff inside

  2. Add a white cotton ball then a painted one and so on until it’s full

  3. Then add water (not too much) to loosen the paint

  4. Use the handle to move the cotton and paint around for the desired look

Pipe Cleaner Crafts

General Materials:

  • Pipe cleaners in multiple colors

  • Googly eyes (optional)



  • The above general materials

  • Hot Glue (with help from an adult)

How to Make:

  1. For your shell, curl a brown pipe cleaner into a circle and raise the center of the circle slightly, tuck in the end

  2. Use segments of green pipe cleaners for the head, legs and tail

    • Head - coil part of green section leaving the end straight and extended from the coil

    • Legs - Bend 4 small sections of green pipe cleaner in half and twist the ends together

    • Tail - Repeat the leg step with a slightly smaller section of pipe cleaner

  3. Glue googly eyes on either side of the head, then glue the straight part to the underside of the shell

  4. Glue the legs and the tail to the underside of the shell as well

  5. Make a second brown coiled circle for the bottom of the shell, and glue it to your turtle's belly

Flower Rings

How to Make:

  1. Cut one pipe cleaner in half, cross the two halves to make an "X," then twist where they intersect to hold them together

  2. Take one of the 4 spokes and start folding/rolling it from the tip towards the center, repeat with the other 3 spokes to make your flower

  3. Place half of another pipe cleaner across the middle of the top of the flower and gently bring the sides down so they're together underneath

  4. Twist the two sides of the pipe cleaner together at the base of the flower about twice

  5. Fold the two sides over each other and wrap them around one another to make your ring!

Tic Tac Toe

How to Make:

  1. Using 4 pipe cleaners of the same color, place 2 horizontal and parallel to each other, then place the other 2 vertically and parallel to each other over the horizontal pair

  2. Where the pipe cleaners cross to form a square, twist them where they intersect

  3. Using another color, cut 2 pipe cleaners into 4 pieces each, with those pieces, make circles the width of a coin and wrap the ends around for your O's

  4. Using a third color, cut 2 pipe cleaners into 8 pieces each, pair off your pieces and make X's with them, then twist them where they cross to keep them together



  • The above general materials

  • Hot Glue (with help from an adult)

How to Make:

  1. Coil an orange pipe cleaner into a circle and tuck in the end for the body

  2. Use 3 small pieces of orange pipe cleaner to slip through one edge of the body and over to through the other edge for its legs

  3. Use 2 small orange sections and slide them halfway through either side of the body in front of the legs

  4. Fold the pieces and twist them from the body out leaving a small portion of either side out in a "V" shape for the claws

  5. Add googly eyes to the side your claws are on to finish your crab!

Stress Relief

Paper Flower


  • Colored construction paper

  • Craft glue

  • Scissors

How to Make:

  1. Begin with a square (approx. 10"x10") paper in the color of your choice -- you'll need 5 total.

  2. View this clip for a visual tutorial!

Criss-Cross Finger Painting


  • Paper or canvas

  • Acrylic paint

  • Napkins/towels

  • Your fingers!

How to Make:

  1. Place marble sized drops of paint of different colors along two connecting edges of your canvas

  2. Switching between which side you start from, drag the paint from each drop across the canvas

  3. Clean off your finger before dragging another drop

  4. It should look like a criss-cross pattern

Stress Ball


  • Balloons

  • Flour

  • Funnel

  • Sharpie

  • Yarn (optional)

How to Make:

  1. Take a balloon and blow it up to get it stretched out, then let the air back out

  2. Using the funnel, use a spoon to put about 3/4 cup of flour in the balloon

  3. Tie your balloon, then, if you want to give your stress ball hair:

    • Wrap yarn around your fingers 12 times, cut the yarn, then remove the yarn from your fingers

    • Using a longer piece of yarn, tightly tie the wrapped yarn in half

    • Cut the loops on the sides of the wrapped yarn

    • Tie around your balloon's knot

4. Use your sharpie to draw a friendly face to go with the hair!

Super Bouncy Ball


  • ½ cup of water

  • 1 tbsp of borax

  • 1-2 tbsp of clear Elmer’s glue (or clear glitter glue)

How to Make:

  1. With an adult's help, stir a 1/2 cup of warm water with 1 tbsp of borax until it is completely dissolved

  2. Add about 2 tbsp of glue

  3. When the glue hits the borax it will start to harden, gently squeeze the glue ball until it's no longer sticky

  4. Remove from the borax solution and roll between your hands to make it ball shaped

  5. P.S. you can make as many as you like with the same bowl of borax solution!

Lava Lamp


  • Empty plastic water bottle(s)

  • Vegetable oil

  • Water

  • Food coloring

  • Alka-seltzers

How to Make:

  1. Fill your bottle a little over half way with vegetable oil

  2. Fill the rest with water until about an inch from the top

  3. Add 10 drops of food coloring

  4. Break your alka-seltzer into quarters, add one piece at a time and watch your lava go! (Wait between pieces for the bubbles to settle before you add your next piece)

  5. Continue to add more pieces to keep seeing your lava lamp in action

Different Ways to Paint

Salt Painting


  • Craft glue

  • Eye Dropper

  • Salt

  • Food coloring

  • Water

  • White cardstock/ watercolor paper

  • Templates for shapes (optional)

How to Make:

  1. Trace your shapes on your paper

  2. Add glue to the outlines of your shapes

  3. Pour a good amount of salt to cover the glue, then careful pour the excess off

  4. Let the glue and salt dry

  5. Mix a few tablespoons of water with food coloring to make your watercolor paint (the more coloring, the darker it will appear)

  6. Use an eye dropper to drip the watercolor mixture onto the salt (try not to drench the salt, but watch the salt soak up one droplet at a time)

  7. Leave your painting to dry overnight!

Bubble Painting


  • 1 part paint

  • 1 parts dish soap

  • 2 parts water

  • Dish for mixing

  • White cardstock

  • Colored pencils (optional)

  • Sharpie (optional)

How to Make:

  1. Mix your paint, soap and water in a shallow dish

  2. When you get a clump of bubbles, press your paper onto them (you can repeat this a few times to get desired shapes and colors)

  3. If you want to add stems and leaves, use colored pencils and/or sharpies to add more details

Winter Fun

Searching for fun, Winter crafts? Look no further! Here are some seasonal spins on different types of art projects just for Winter.

Gumball Machine Ornament


  • Clear ornament bulb

  • Red single-use cup

  • Pop can tab

  • Candy, skittles, M&M's, gumballs

  • Black Sharpie or permanent marker

  • Hot glue gun (use with adults!)

  • Funnel or rolled paper

  • String or ribbon (optional)

How To Make:

  1. Remove metal tab from pop can

  2. Remove metal lid from ornament

  3. Use funnel to fill ornament with candy

  4. Place metal lid back on ornament

  5. Tie string or ribbon in a loop to the metal lid or ornament (optional to hang gumball machine)

  6. Place the cup upside down on a hard surface

  7. Ask an adult to warm up hot glue gun and place a small dot of glue to bottom of the cup

  8. Press ornament to the glue spot, metal lid facing upright

  9. Color bottom hole of pop can tab

  10. To open, remove metal lid to eat candy!

Pinecone Animals


  • Pinecones

  • Various colors of unspun cotton or cotton balls

  • Various colors of felt

  • Googly eyes

  • Scissors

  • Liquid glue or hot glue (use with an adult!)

How To Make:

  1. Wrap unspun cotton or stretched out cotton balls around pinecones

  2. Cut out two owl face shapes, wings, and beak out of felt

  3. Glue one wing on opposite sides of the pinecone

  4. Glue the bigger face cutout onto the front of the upper pinecone

  5. Glue the beak, pointy side facing down, on the lower part of the face cutout

  6. Glue smaller face cutout onto the larger face cutout

  7. Place two dots of glue for the eyes and press googly eyes onto the glue

Pinecone Owl


  • pinecones

  • various colors of unspun cotton or cotton balls

  • various colors of felt

  • googly eyes

  • scissors

  • hot glue (use with an adult!)

How To Make:

  1. Warm up hot glue gun with an adult

  2. Wrap unspun cotton or stretched out cotton balls around pinecones

  3. Cut out two owl face shapes, wings, and beak out of felt

  4. Glue one wing on opposite sides of the pinecone

  5. Glue the bigger face cutout onto the front of the upper pinecone

  6. Glue the beak, pointy side facing down, on the lower part of the face cutout

  7. Glue smaller face cutout onto the larger face cutout

  8. Place two dots of glue for the eyes and press googly eyes onto the glue

Pinecone Hedgehog


  • pinecones

  • play dough or air dry clay

  • brown, beige, orange, and yellow playdough or paint if using air dry clay for realistic colors

  • googly eyes

  • hot glue (use with an adult!)

  • Glitter, sparkly paint, or sparkly glue

How to Make:

  1. Warm up hot glue gun with an adult

  2. Roll four rolls for the arms and legs

  3. Bend the rolls slightly in a 'L' shape to create feet

  4. Roll a round or oval ball for the head

  5. Roll a pinkie nail-sized ball for the nose

  6. Place dots of glue with an adult on areas to attach head, arms, legs, and nose if using clay

  7. Place the pinecone on its side

  8. Press rolls in two spots, on both sides of the pinecone to attach legs

  9. Press the head to the smaller side of the pinecone

  10. Press the nose to the tip of the head/snout

  11. Place dots of glue on the face to add googly eyes

  12. Optional: add glitter or sparkly paint to the pinecone

Pinecone Fox


  • pinecones

  • various colors of felt

  • googly eyes

  • scissors

  • liquid glue or hot glue (use with an adult!)

How To Make:

  1. Warm up hot glue gun with an adult

  2. Cut out a head, tail, feet, snout, and nose from felt, optional: cut out eyes

  3. Place pinecone upright, narrow tip facing upwards

  4. Glue different color felt to the tip of the tail cutout

  5. Glue different colored nose to snout

  6. Glue snout to different colored face cutout

  7. Glue eye cutouts or googly eyes to face

  8. Glue head to the upper-front part of the pinecone

  9. Glue feet to the lower-front of the pinecone

  10. Glue tail to the upper-back of the pinecone

Pinecone Penguin


  • pinecone

  • various colors of felt

  • air dry clay or playdough

  • various colors of paint

  • scissors

  • hot glue gun (use with an adult!)

How To Make:

  • Warm up hot glue gun with an adult

  • Roll clay or playdough into a ball for the head

  • Paint the head with two different colors to make a face

  • Cut out wings, beak and feet from felt

  • Glue head to the smaller tip of the pinecone

  • Glue wings to opposite sides of the pinecone

  • Glue feet to the bottom of the pinecone, facing the same direction as the face

  • Glue beak to the face

  • Paint the pinecone the same color used for the face