Our little warrior

Indy was first diagnosed on 11th July 2023 following a visit to the doctor because she was pale, bruising easily, and had an unexpected nosebleed. She was referred to the pediatric unit at Crosshouse who confirmed our worst fears, she had Leukaemia.

She was transferred by emergency ambulance that evening to the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow where she spent 7 weeks receiving intensive treatment.

Indy's Treatment

To date, she's spent 70 nights in hospital including two stints of emergency care following a spike in temperature and has had:

Over 100 doses of chemotherapy, delivered orally, via injection, through her central line, or into her spine

3 bone marrow aspirates, where they've taken samples of her bone marrow from her hip

8 general anaesthetics for things like lumbar punctures and to insert PICC lines into her arm or central line into her chest

5 blood transfusions

Countless finger pricks and injections

5 weeks of steroids

Lost her hair due to the side effects of chemo.

She's an amazing little girl who has taken all of this in her stride and we're unbelievably proud of her.Â