Indy's Journey

In July 2023, our world was turned upside down when our little girl was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL). She spent 7 weeks in the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow and had been undergoing intense chemotherapy ever since.


She's responding really well to the treatment and is currently in remission, but we have a long 2 years of treatment ahead of us to make sure she stays cancer-free.

During the time we've been on this rollercoaster, we've been helped by many charities including Team Jak, Love Oliver, The Little Princess Trust, to name a few.

Whilst we'd love to support all these charities now - and we will in future - the one that's been there for us from day one offering help and support has been Young Lives Vs Cancer who run the amazing Marion's House in Glasgow offering accommodation next to the hospital for families in need as well as providing support to families going through similar circumstances to us.

Given that Indy has been to go through a challenging time, it's only fair that I, her dad, challenge myself too. I like to run and have always wanted to do something a bit crazy with it, so in 2024 I'm pledging to run, jog or walk (maybe crawl by the end) a total of 1,000 miles over the course of the year and I'd love to raise money while doing so.

Donations can be made through JustGiving here and will be directed to a fund set up in Indy's name which can be seen here

Thank you for your support, from all of us McBreens x