
Registration has been postponed to September 12!

The deadline for poster submission is September 12. Please, see the instructions in the Registration Form below. Limited funds for local expenses are available for students presenting a poster. Candidates may apply informing interest in the Registration Form.

There is no template for poster submission. Send a one page abstract to The abstract can be in Portuguese but the poster presentation must be in English.

Until 15.09 After 15.09

Undergraduate students R$ 70,00 R$ 100,00

Graduate students R$ 100,00 R$ 150,00

Professors/Researchers R$ 200,00 R$ 300,00

Other professionals R$ 300,00 R$ 400,00

Payment: PIX to (Luiz Alberto Díaz Rodrigues). Please send the receipt of payment to:

Registration Form

Click here to access the registration form