Mathematical Biology

in Springtime at 29S53W

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Santa Maria - RS - Brasil

October 5- 7, 2022

Supported by FAPERGS

Posters presented may be considered for possible post-conference publication in a special number of Revista de Modelamiento de Sistemas Biológicos (


Claudia Pio Ferreira will give the online talk "Exploring the impact of temperature on the efficacy of replacing the wild Aedes aegypti population by Wolbachia-carrying one "

The talks and short-courses will be at Auditório A - CCNE (in front of building 17).

Poster section will be at room 1108C - CCNE (building 13)

The day-by-day Program is now available.

Reduced registration fees until September 15.

The full Programme is available!

About the workshop

The Mathematical Biology in Springtime at 29S53W (MBS29S53W) workshop is part of the project of internationalization of the post-graduation of Rio Grande do Sul “Cooperação Internacional Brasil-Alemanha em Ecologia Teórica” coordinated by the Biomathematics Group from UFSM and supported by FAPERGS. It is aimed at Brazilian graduate students and researchers. Students and researchers from other countries are very welcome too.

The main purpose of the MBS29S53W is to discuss the new directions of the research in the area; to broaden the collaboration among research groups; to encourage graduate students to develop doctoral or sandwich doctoral stages in international institutions.

Organizing Committee

Diomar Cristina Mistro - UFSM

Luiz Alberto Díaz Rodrigues - UFSM