
The talks and short-courses will be at Auditório A - CCNE (in front of building 17).

Poster section will be at room 1108C - CCNE (building 13)

Invited Talks

Modelling collective cell movement in development and disease

Philip Maini, University of Oxford, England

Integrodifference equations for spatial spread and invasions

Frithjof Lutscher – University of Ottawa, Canada (online)

Exploring the impact of temperature on the efficacy of replacing the wild Aedes aegypti population by Wolbachia-carrying one (new)

Cláudia Pio Ferreira - UNESP, Brasil (online)

Mathematics and computational simulations as tools to understand the impact of crop rotation on polyphagous pest persistence (canceled)

Carolina Reigada Montoya – UFSCar, Brasil

Interplay between health related opinions, risk perception, and epidemic dynamics in infectious disease models

Mirjam Kretzschmar - University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands (online)

Challenges in modeling Covid-19 epidemics and lessons for the future

Roberto Kraenkel – UNESP, Brasil

Short Courses

Elementary Mathematical Models in Biology: Ruminations on Art and Craft

Wilson Castro Ferreira Jr - UNICAMP, Brasil

Population dynamics in patches coupled by dispersal

Frank Hilker, University of Osnabrück, Germany

Round Table

Trends and Perspectives on Mathematical Biology

Frank Hilker - Universität Osnabrück, Germany

Philip Maini - University of Oxford , England

Wilson Castro Ferreira Jr - UNICAMP, Brasil

Poster Section