EMA systems/ Magnetic manipulation

Optimizing Modified Permanent Magnet Array

  • Magnetic Drug Targeting (MDT) is a therapeutic method to deliver the drug to a target lesion in response to an external magnetic field. In conventional MDT, the magnetic drug carriers are delivered to the target but some portion of drugs can be delivered to unwanted normal cells. This unwanted delivery can cause side effects to normal cells. In order to minimize this unwanted journey, Focused Magnetic Drug Targeting (FMDT) is proposed and the required magnetic force map for FMDT is modeled. To fulfill the magnetic force map, a modified permanent magnet array (Halbach array) is used and optimized. By simulating magnetic particle trajectory through the Finite Element Method (FEM), the parameters of geometry of the modified Halbach array are optimized and validated experimentally using a fabricated optimized Halbach array. With this optimizing process, FMDT can be achieved in clinical application.

Analyzing Manipulation Area with Adjustable Cores

  • Electromagnetic Actuation (EMA) system is one of the typical methods to manipulate micro- or nanoscopic magnetic cargos which can be utilized for drug delivery, non- or minimally-invasive therapy and diagnosis, and other biomedical applications. Varying the position of the magnetic cores (adjustable cores), the EMA system can encompass a wide range of workspace’ sizes and magnetic force magnitude. This leads to the capability of the manipulation of magnetic microrobots of various sizes in one EMA system and thus cost efficiency. In addition, a magnetic core with a sharp-shaped tip is adopted for an enhanced magnetic field. However, because of the sharp-shaped tip, the magnetic field in the workspace is distorted leading to misguided manipulation. To avoid misguided manipulation, microrobot's Drivable Area (DA) is defined and analyzed by Finite Element Method (FEM) and validated experimentally. The microrobot can be guided as desired inside the DA but not outside the DA. Considering the DA, the capability of manipulation of microrobot is guaranteed.