River Blindness in Liberia

The data-set contains information on 91 villages sampled across Liberia regarding river blindness infection.

The data consist of the following variables.

- lat: latitude of the of sampled villages.

- long: longitude of the sampled villages.

- ntest: number of tested people for the presence nodules.

- npos: number of people that tested positive for the presence of nodules.

- utm_x: x-coordinate of the Universal Transversal Mercator projection.

- utm_y: y-coordinate of the Universal Transversal Mercator projection.

- elevation: elevation of the village, in meters.


Zouré, H. G. M., Noma, M., Tekle, Afework, H., Amazigo, U. V., Diggle, P. J., Giorgi, E., and Remme, J. H. F. (2014). The Geographic Distribution of Onchocerciasis in the 20 Participating Countries of the African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control: (2) Pre-Control Endemicity Levels and Estimated Number Infected. Parasites & Vectors, 7, 326.

Data: LiberiaRemoData.csv

Liberia boundaries: Liberia_bndrs.csv

Liberia prediction grid: Liberia_prediction_grid.csv