Ozone concentration in the Eastern United States

The data contain information on the median daily ozone concentration between June-August 2007 recorded at 631 monitoring stations in the Eastern United States.

The variables are the following.

- longitude: longitude coordinate of the monitoring station.

- latitude: latitude coordinate of the monitoring station.

- web_x: x-coordinate of the monitoring station in Web Mercator projection.

- web_y: y-coordinate of the monitoring station in Web Mercator projection.

- ozone: ozone concentration in parts per billion.

- popdens: density population (people per square kilometer).


Pati, D., Reich, B. J., Dunson, D. B. (2011). Bayesian geostatistical modelling with informative sampling locations. Biometrika 98:35-48.

Data file: eastcoast_ozone.csv

Boundaries: eastcoast_bndrs.csv

Grid: eastcoast_grid.csv (including the variable popdens)