Physics of Bioluminescence

Using new experimental techniques, we have looked at the light production on a single-cell level. The study reveals the light production is a function of both strain and strain-rate: the cell produces more lights when the deformation is higher and faster.
Read the preprint here:
Video: The marine organism P. Lunula under repeated deformation (~10 microns) between two micropipettes.
Together with Babak Vajidi and Corina Maas we studied the motion of active droplet in a viscous medium. We simultaneously measured the fuel consumption of these self-propelled droplets and the flow field around the1m to explain different behaviour. Writing in progress! a draft is expected by end of summer 2019.
Active Particles
Together with Hai Le The and Alvaro Marin we studied the gravitaxis and active motion of Janus particles next to interfaces. Using a 3D measurement technique we showed how the dynamics of the particles change in the vicinity of a free surface. Papers to be on arXive soon!
Together with Héloïse Thérien-Aubin we studied the glasses formed by hairy colloids. The particles were nano-engineered using a unique synthesis technique. At high concentrations they showed elasto-viscoplastic behviours. We show how the mechanical properties of the suspensions can be tuned by changing the parameters such as the length of the hairs. Experiments are finished! Writing in progress!
We studied the small deformation of a thin film ahead of the contact line of a spreading droplet. We use an imaging technique based on digital holographic microscopy that allows for height resolution up to a nanometer. We found a critical point (a critical capillary number) that the thin film undulation suddenly vanishes. Using linear stability analysis we found the same critical value! a preprint available HERE.
We are now studying the motion of unicellular algae in a crowded environment. We are interested in algae-algae interaction and how they collectively response to stimuli.
In collaboration with Devaraj van Der meer and Anthony Wachs we study how the entanglement of non-convex particles affect the flow. The aim is to model cohesive granular systems such as snow avalanches :)
With Vatsal Sanjay we studied how a bubble collapse at a free surface of a complex fluid. We show how yield stress can dominate and prevent the jet formation; moreover how significantly the flow inside the bath changes. The big aim is to take steps toward modelling mud volcanos :)
viscoplastic water-entry
We are studying the impact of viscoplastic fluids (a.k.a yield stress materials) on an air-water interface. The project extends the classic problem of solid water entry for elasto-viscoplastic material.
Impact of oil droplets
Together with Utkarsh Jain, we are experimentally and theoretically study the impact of an oil droplet on a water surface. We found that, if the Weber number is high enough, the oil-water-air contact line becomes unstable and forms fingers. The fingers can later determine the final size distribution of droplets. Publication no online HERE! Also on the cover of Soft Matter :)
Together with Vamsi Spandan, we are studying the highly non-linear deformation of elastic plates and fibres in a turbulent field. To do so, we are using direct numerical simulations. We are now starting the experiments in collaboration with the Max-Planck institute in Gottingen.
lIFT of complex fluids
Together with Martin Klein Schaarsberg, we are studying the interaction of a high power laser with a thin film of complex fluids. In collaboration with our industrial partners, we aim to develop a technique for 3D printing of flexible electronics.
Drops in turbulence
Together with Vamsi Spandan, we are studying the dynamics of a "large" droplet in an isotropic homogenous turbulent field. We not only focus on the mechanism of deformation and breakup but also study the changes in the surrounding flow.
Thermo-responsive Droplets
Using a unique optical technique based on optical coherence tomography and speckle patterns due to the Brownian particle, we studied the gel formation inside a sessile droplet and also a spreading one. The picture above shows the growth of gel phase (white area) inside a droplet heating from the bottom. Our JFM paper is recently accepted and should be available online sometime soon.
Long bubbles in viscoplastic fluids
We extended the classic problem of Bretherton to a viscoplastic version, where a long bubble is displaced down a tube or a slot. We provided lubrication solutions and numerical simulations of the problem and highlight the effect of yield stress on the flow pattern. In the picture above, the grey region is the bubble, and the color map shows the magnitude of the deformation rate in the fluid. If interested see this paper. Also this paper of Laborie et al. provides some experimental counterpart of the problem.
Viscoplastic Drops
We have extruded and impacted droplets of a yield stress material at different concentrations. We covered the capillary and gravity dominated regimes and compared the results with the theory we developed, where a good agreement was observed. Several other phenomena, such as different impact scenarios, buckling of “tall” drops, and the effect of the pre-wetted film is studied. Paper to be submitted soon!
Optical coherence tomography
We are developing an optical technique based on the Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), to visualize the flows in evaporating polymeric droplets.
viscoplastic lubrication
We developed the classic lubrication theory for the case of viscoplastic fluids, where capillary forces are important. Using some Asymptotic methods, we have derived the solution for the final shape of a spreading droplet, in a shallow limit. This required a detailed analysis of the condition at the contact line since the boundary conditions are not trivial. The paper on its way!
Smart spreading
We have studied the impact of a “thermo-responsive” droplet that undergoes a gel formation above a given temperature. We have shown one can control the dynamics and final shape of the droplets, changing the temperature of the substrate. The detail of the preliminary study can be found here.
Doing a comprehensive set of rheometry, we have characterised the bulk properties of Pluronic F127. We accurately measured the gel transition temperature and showed that above this temperature, we have a yield stress fluid. At very high temperatures, the results became time-dependent and unrepeatable. See the paper here!
A falling droplet undergoes a chaotic breakup if the stresses induced on its surface are large enough. Using some expensive numerical simulations, we have resolved this problem from the large deformation to very small temporal and spatial changes. Check this paper for more details.
Using a VOF method we have simulated the deformation of a droplet in an external gas stream to a very fine spatial scales. We could achieve this, employing an adaptive grid generation (Kudos to Stephane Popinet) . Results are published in this PoF paper. More recently, I am working on the instability of a liquid-liquid-gas triple line, using the same technique.
I study the evaporation of droplets in a couple of different contexts. In a project, we develop some techniques based on OCT (see above) to study the evaporation of complex fluids. In another, together with Alvaro Marin and Borge ten Hagen we are studying the life of active particles in evaporating droplets.
apparent slip
We directly observed the apparent slip of complex fluids using a “high speed” confocal microscopy and also showed how to avoid such slip on the glass, using a chemical treatment. If you are interested, read our recently published paper here.
This goes back to when I started my research as an undergraduate student! Through experiments, we have analysed the effect of high voltage electric fields on several forms of interfaces from an initially stable stratified configuration of two miscible fluids (check here and here) to falling drops and rising bubbles (see this, this and this paper for details).
to be added