Maya Lin PTA

Welcome to the Maya Lin PTA Website!

Visit often to learn what's going on at Maya Lin, and how YOU can get involved.

Arts & Culture Fest was a blast!

The Wolf Pack came together for a joyful celebration of art, culture and community. The Maya Lin Arts & Culture Fest was on Sunday, May 19 from 1-5pm at the Al Fresco Dining Park and Healing Garden in Alameda. This FREE community event was the final PTA-led hurrah of the year. 

It was an authentic celebration of who we are! People brought food to share at the Around the World Potluck and/or wore traditional clothing representative of their home culture. Read below for Event Schedule & more!

Event & Performance Schedule

Activity & Food Booths

Art Making, Vendors, Face Painting & More from 1:00 - 5:00pm!*

*A percentage of all sales will be donated to the Maya Lin PTA

Event Sponsors

Thank you to our event sponsors A-Town Booking & Events and West Alameda Business Association for providing all venue needs.


Measure E Wins!

Measure E Wins! 

Read the below message from the Measure E Campaign Chair, Gretchen Hoff Varner (posted on March 12, 2024):

"With 16,593 votes counted, Measure E is winning with an incredible 75.45% of the vote. While the election won't be certified for another few weeks, the numbers are clear: we won!

Our schools are the heart of Alameda. And with this vote, Alamedans stood together to protect our schools, our kids, our teachers, and our community. Thanks to you, we can continue our proud tradition of local funding for Excellent Alameda Schools.

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard on this campaign and made this happen.  A campaign like this rises and falls on the strength of its volunteers, and our volunteers were nothing less than magnificent. From our first meeting together at my house in August, to the incredible speeches at the Board meeting in November in support of this measure, to our final Get-Out-The-Vote efforts, the folks on this campaign have been the most brilliant, organized, visionary, and dedicated colleagues I could hope for. Please help me thank Thushan Amarasiriwardena, Elaine Cline, Susan Davis, Katie deVries, Laura Gamble, Shariq Khan, Ryan LaLonde, Heather Little, Ron Parodi, Steve Perez, Ashley Rogers, Kate Rome, Pasquale Scuderi, Page Tomblin, and Jennifer Williams for their leadership and commitment.  We all owe them our deepest appreciation.

Most importantly, we are so grateful to our school captains, PTA leaders, and canvassers. This victory is because of you. You had so many conversations with your neighbors, friends, and school communities.  You did the hard work of persuading people to volunteer, to donate, and to vote.  You knocked on doors across the island and got out the vote.  That's the actual campaign magic - all those individual conversations.  And that's what makes Alameda so special.  Thank you for stepping up for Alameda kids!

Stay tuned for an invitation to our victory celebration!

In celebration,
Gretchen Hoff Varner
Chair, Yes on E"

Monster Dash 2023 was a success!

Congratulations Wolf Pack, we surpassed our Monster Dash fundraising goal! To date we have raised nearly $88K for our school!!! These funds help to support opportunities for enrichment,  community building, and crucial programming for the Maya Lin School community. Check out the 2023-24 Maya Lin PTA Budget to see how it all breaks down.

Join PTA Leadership

At the April PTA Meeting a full slate of 2023-24 Executive Board Members was voted in! Thank you to everyone who stepped up to serve. 

The PTA is still looking for a handful of Committee Chairs. Click here to learn about leadership needed!

Art Funding Update

Update from Principal Berg:

"As many of you may have heard, the AUSD board voted on Tuesday, February 14 to no longer fund the Maya Lin School Art Teacher position out of the General Fund. 

That being said, the Superintendent has met with us to partner on identifying alternative sources of funding for the position (potentially from other sources of the district budget). 

I was heartened by the AUSD Board Members comments this week that echoed this commitment and an understanding that Ms. Moore's role is central to our core learning program here at Maya Lin School. 

We will keep you posted as we learn more information and I am optimistic we will find a solution.

Take care,

Principal Berg"

Check out our media page to learn more about Maya Lin's Arts Program

Arts Fest 2023 a Success!


Thank you to the 200+ Wolf Pack members who attended the first Arts Fest. The Wolf Pack came out in droves to perform, make art, admire the Pup Up Art Gallery, play fundraising games, and just have fun! The goals of the very first Arts Fest was to highlight our creative community and raise money for Maya Lin...both goals were easily met. 

Because Fall fundraising was so successful, we only needed to raise $6,000 with Arts Fest. Wolf Pack, we surpassed this goal! As promised, the PTA threw a Donut & Dance Party with Wolfie during lunch to celebrate our successful collective efforts. GO WOLVES!!!