

Data Mining

"Or how to squeeze your data without torture it, a practical guide."

Program: Telematics Engineering, 5th year

Syllabus:  in Spanish

Held: 2019-2, 2020-2, 2021-2, 2022-1, 2023-1, 2024-1

IPD-440 [grad]

Machine Learning

"Or statistical inference with a bunch of data and processors"

Program: Master of Science in Electronic Engineering

Syllabus:  in Spanish

Held: 2019-1, 2020-1, 2021-1, 2022-1, 2023-1, 2024-1


Digital Image Processing

"Or random techniques over images that do cool shiny stuff..."

Programs: Telematics and Electronics Engineerings 

Held: 2023-2


Operating Systems Theory

"Or a complete guide on how your PC works, in theory..."

Programs: Telematics and Electronics Engineerings 

Held: 2022-2, 2023-2


Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Agents

"Or incomplete and messy methods for dynamical systems"

Program: Telematics Engineering, 4th to 6th year (elective)

Held: 2020-2, 2021-2, 2022-2


Smart Sustainable Cities

"Or how to improve cities with ICTs and common sense" 

Program: Telematics Engineering, 4th to 6th year (elective)

Held: 2021-2


Programming Seminar

"Or, THIS IS programming!... a dive into C++"

Program: Telematics Engineering, 1st year

Held: 2020-2, 2021-2


Data Structures and Algorithms

"Or asynthotically following the path of Dijkstra..."

Programs: Telematics, Electronics and Mathematics Engineerings (years: 2nd, 5th, 2nd respectively)

Held: 2019-2

Before 2018...