In media

NWO VENI Award (2021)

Press releases for the NWO Veni grant (2021)

Oxygen line opens new perspective on the far universe (2020)

NOVA press release: 

"A team of astronomers of Leiden University (the Netherlands) and the University of Texas (Austin, United States) has discovered a new way to map distant galaxies. They used an atomic oxygen spectral line for this. Normally, this spectral line cannot be captured with terrestrial telescopes. But because the light comes from distant galaxies, it is stretched and it can actually be measured on Earth. Recently, an instrument developed in the Netherlands made this measurement."

BNR: Nieuwe manier om verre sterrenstelsels in kaart te brengen

Wetenschap Vandaag with Paul van der Werf

ESO: Sharpest View Ever of Star Formation in the Distant Universe (2015)

ESO  press release on the incredible ALMA observations of SDP.81, with two of our papers (Rybak et al., 2015a, Rybak et al., 2015b) featured. harpest View Ever of Star Formation in the Distant Universe (2015)

Science coverage of our reconstruction of ALMA observations of SDP.81 (Rybak et al., 2015a)