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Research experience

4/2021 -  ongoing

THz sensing group, TU Delft, the Netherlands: NWO Veni Fellow, co-hosted by Leiden Observatory

8/2017 -  3/2021                

Leiden Observatory, the Netherlands: Postdoctoral researcher, mm-wave interferometry, high-redshift galaxies

9/2013 - 5/2017      

Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics / Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany: Postgraduate student. Supervisor: S. Vegetti, S. D. M. White


2009 - 2013

University of St Andrews, UKMPhys (Physics and Astronomy), First Class

2008 - 2009

Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia: BSc (Physics), left after one year for St Andrews

Student supervision

Conference talks & presentations


Invited seminars and colloquia:

Computational skills:
