AstroTwinColo 2019, Medellín, Colombia
In November/December 2019, I gave a week-long course on strong gravitational lensing as a part of the Medellin-Leiden twinning programme. This goes way beyond the standard textbook material, and incorporated many new results from the last decade. All the recorder lectures are publicly available here.
Lecture slides: here
My very, very cool Kahoots:
Day 1: Getting to know each other. And lensing basics.
Day 3: How to find gravitational lenses
Day 5: Cosmology applications - Hubble constant, substructure.
Some topics covered:
History of lensing - from 1919 eclipse to the challenges of massive surveys by Euclid, Vera Rubin Telescope (LSST) and SKA.
Gravitational lensing theory
Using gravitational lensing to study distant (lensed) galaxies: new results from Hubble, ALMA,
What have we learned about the lensing galaxies?
Finding gravitational lenses: in radio-wavelengths (e.g., CLASS), spectroscopy (e.g., SLACS), wide-field surveys (PanStarrs, Subaru, ...)
Time-delays, and how to measure the expansion of the Universe
Dark matter and lensing: looking for MACHOs with microlensing, and for cold dark-matter substructure using Einstein arcs and flux-ratio anomalies.
The course comes with some hands-on exercises, based on real data!