Associate Professor Gullo's expertise is in addiction and substance use. He led the Psychosocial Interventions section of the Commonwealth Guidelines for the Treatment of Alcohol Problems. These guidelines provide up-to-date, evidence-based information to a broad range of health care professionals, including general practitioners, nurses, medical specialists, psychologists and counsellors.
Associate Professor Gullo's research seeks to improve the assessment and treatment of substance use disorder through a better understanding of the complex biosocial cognitive mechanisms involved, revealing new targets for personalised intervention. These mechanisms include reward sensitivity, impulsivity, substance-related cognition (beliefs about drug effects, craving, drug refusal self-efficacy), and studying how they are affected by social influences and genetic predisposition. The scope of this research program covers the entire translational spectrum:
Associate Professor Gullo has authored over 120 peer-reviewed scientific publications and been awarded over $5 million in research funding. His research has advanced targeted treatment efforts “on the ground”. At Princess Alexandra Hospital, he led the implementation of several initiatives to improve practice, including the development of a new theoretically-driven, instant assessment and feedback system (iAx). Implementation of iAx has led to a doubling of treatment completion rates and significant cost savings to service providers. These initiatives have improved the provision of care to over 10,500 patients through the translation of the latest research findings into frontline service delivery.
Behavioural Addiction: Opening Pandora's Loot Box
Through a shot glass darkly: Targeted assessment in SUD