
Current appointments

Educational background

2009   Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Clinical Psychology - Griffith University, Australia

2003   Bachelor of Psychology with First-Class Honours - Griffith University, Australia

Awards and prizes

The Research Translation Award recognises the efforts of a researcher who has ensured that their research is translated into benefits for the broader community beyond academia. The award recipient will have demonstrated impact, innovation, and initiative in developing a new product or service or making changes to practice or policy, based on research outcomes.

The Early Career Research Excellence Award recognises an outstanding research contribution made by a researcher who was awarded their PhD within the last 8 years. Taking into account that the applicant is early in their career, the award recipient will have made a significant contribution in their field.

The Early Career Research Award recognises excellence in scientific achievement in psychology among psychologists who are at early stages of their research careers in Australia. The Early Career Research Award is intended for Candidates whose achievements are outstanding and place them significantly ahead of their peers.

The annual APSAD Awards for Excellence in Science and Research are designed to provide peer recognition for those working in the drug and alcohol field in Australasia. Recipients will be recognised as having made an outstanding contribution to reducing the harms associated with alcohol and other drug use in Australasia. The Early Career Award is for excellence in research and practice relative to career opportunities.

Grants and Funding

2024 – 2025 Gullo, M. J., & Gullo, H. L., Ponsford, J., Fleming, J., Wong, D., Ownsworth, T., Reid, N., Dawe, S., Russell, T., Brown, H., Mitchell, J., Lion, K., Piatkowski, T., Lemsky, C., Beaulieu-Bonneau, S., Doig, E., Turner, B., Kendall, M., Griffin, J., Bell, R., Gould., K., & Schneider, K. Co-designing and piloting a tailored program for managing alcohol use in acquired brain injury. Metro South Health Research Support Scheme Project Grant. AU$122,193

2024 – 2025 Brown, H., Kendall, M., Gullo, H. L., Turner, B., & Gullo, M. J. Using qualitative case studies to understand the journey away from alcohol and substance use following acquired brain injury. Metro South Health Research Support Scheme Project Grant. AU$24,624

2023 – 2024 Kebbell, M., Allen, J., Dawe, S., Eriksson, L., Gullo, M. J., Harnett, P., Hurren Paterson, E., McKenzie, M., Ogilvie, J., & Thompson, C. Review of Queensland Police Service Domestic and Family Violence Risk Assessment. Queensland Police Service. AU$536,730

2021 – 2024 Reid, N., Moritz, K., Gullo, M. J., Ferris, J., Nguyen, K., Hayes, N., Gullo, H. L., et al. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Expansion of Diagnostic Services. Commonwealth Department of Health Drug and Alcohol Program. AU$1,556,640

2021 – 2022 Gullo, M. J., Connor, J. P., Feeney, G. F. X, Clark, P. J., & Coates, J. M. iAx: Enhancing assessment and progress monitoring in stimulant use disorder. Metro South Health Research Support Scheme Innovation Grant. AU$25,000

2021 – 2023 Wallace, S. J., Copland, D. A., Wiles, J., Angwin, A. J., Palmer, V. J., Worthy, P. H., Hill, A. J., Timmer, B. H. B., Gullo, M. J., & Campbell, J. H. Measuring, monitoring, and motivating adherence to self-managed aphasia treatment. Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) 2020 Cardiovascular Health Mission. AU$388,521

2020 – 2023 Reid, N., Moritz, K., Gullo, M. J., et al. Review and Dissemination of the Australian Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Diagnostic Tool. Commonwealth Department of Health Drug and Alcohol Program. AU$600,000

2019 – 2022 Gullo, M. J. iAx: Instant assessment and personalised feedback in alcohol use disorder. Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Next Generation Clinical Researchers Program - Translating Research into Practice (TRIP) Fellowship. AU$181,066 

2019 – 2020 Gullo, M. J., Connor, J. P., & Feeney, G. F. X. Enhancing assessment and progress monitoring in alcohol use disorder treatment. Metro South Health Research Support Scheme Innovation Grant. AU$24,920 

2019 – 2020 Connor, J. P., Clark, P. J., Feeney, G. F. X., Gullo, M. J., & Holtman, G. When drugs don’t work: Tailored behavioural intervention for alcoholic hepatitis. Metro South Health Research Support Scheme Innovation Grant. AU$69,585 

2016 – 2019 Kavanagh, D. J., Graves, N., Connor, J. P., Hides, L., Gullo, M. J., Connolly, J., Andrade, J., & May, J. A new, low-cost e-health treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder using mental imagery. National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). AU$895,032 


2016 – 2017 Wood, A., Scott-Parker, B., & Gullo, M. J. Time for Change: Understanding the mechanisms of treatment effectiveness in a community intervention program through the application of a biosocial cognitive model of problematic alcohol and cannabis use. University of Sunshine Coast SOSS Collaborative Research Grant. AU$13,400 


2012 – 2016 Gullo, M. J. From the laboratory to the classroom: Using basic science to inform novel psychosocial interventions for reducing adolescent alcohol use. National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Tier 2 Early Career Fellowship (TSP2, Clinical), Australia. AU$387,660 


2016 Gullo, M. J., Connor, J. P., & Sheffield, J. A cluster randomised controlled trial of a brief mindfulness-enhanced intervention for adolescent alcohol use and well-being. UQ Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences Collaborative Seeding Grant. AU$38,853 


2015 – 2018 Rundle-Thiele, S., Arli, D., Kubacki, K., Connor, J. P., Gullo, M. J., Percy, J. Changing Australian drinking: A comprehensive social marketing program. Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Grant. AU$234,000 


2015 Kavanagh, D. J., Graves, N., Connor, J. P., Hides, L., Gullo, M. J., Connolly, J., Andrade, J., May, J., & Tjondronegoro, D. Trial of a new low-cost treatment to support self-management of alcohol use disorder: Functional Imagery Training.  Queensland University of Technology Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation NHMRC Near-Miss Support Scheme. AU$20,000 


2014 Gullo, M. J. Found in translation: Developing new psychosocial interventions for youth alcohol abuse. University of Queensland Early Career Researcher Grant. AU$38,000 


2014 Kavanagh, D. J., Connor, J. P., Hides, L., Connolly, J., Byrnes, J., Gullo, M. J., Andrade, J., May, J., & Tjondronegoro, D. Effects on alcohol use from a new, technology-assisted motivational intervention: Functional Imagery Training. Queensland University of Technology Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation NHMRC Near-Miss Support Scheme. AU$20,000 


2012 Gullo, M. J. Genetics of impulsive alcohol use in young adults. University of Queensland New Staff Start-Up Grant. AU$12,000  

Registration and professional memberships