
Alex Wolszczan (Penn State)

Alex is the Evan Pugh Professor of Astronomy, and original discoverer of exoplanets around the pulsar PSR B1257+12 in 1992.  He was my dissertation supervisor.  Together we have made a number of discoveries using Arecibo Observatory, including the first radio emitting T dwarf, 2MASS J10475385+2124234, and potentially the fastest rotating ultracool dwarf, WISEPC J112254.73+255021.5.  We currently collaborate on several projects related to ultracool dwarf astrophysics.

Maxim Lyutikov (Purdue)

Maxim is a theoretical professor of astrophysics.  We pool our observational and theoretical expertise to probe questions related to stellar magnetism and non-thermal emission, including the study of sources of electron cyclotron maser emission among exoplanets, stars, and stellar remnants.

Leslie Looney (UIUC)

Leslie is a professor and observational astrophysicist who specializes in star and planet formation at radio wavelengths.  We have an ongoing research project to search for the non-thermal radio emission from T Tauri systems.

Suvrath Mahadevan (Penn State)

Suvrath is a professor who specializes in high precision radial velocity observations of exoplanet host stars.  Together with Alex, we are pooling resources from Arecibo Observatory, Green Bank Observatory, and NEID/HPF  at Kitt Peak Observatory to conduct follow-up studies of ultracool dwarfs.

Giuseppina Nigro (University of Rome Tor Vergata )

Giusy is an assistant professor in the physics department.  We are currently joining observational and theoretical perspectives to probe the nature of magnetic dynamos among fully convective objects, such as low-mass stars and brown dwarfs.