Lời trích dẫn thoải mái

8 câu trích dẫn bằng tiếng anh của mình để tăng thêm sự thoải mái về cuộc sống:

“Be creative and positive, it will accompany

you on your journey to success.”

- Quote

“Nothing impossible can stop you, you are the

one who can do the impossible”

- Quote

“Nothing in the world can give you good

personalities, it's that you train the hardworking

personality and kindness that make you smart

and cares for others.”

- Quote

“Don't give up in half of your path to success,

take others' mocks as an encouragement to

improve yourself and always believe in yourself

to not ever give up.”

- Quote

“Other’s Failures are other’s lessons, what you

learn from them is what they see from you”

- Quote

“In this world, the one who always encourages,

, takes care of you and loves you is your family,

always love and care for your family and no

matter what they are, they are your family”

- Quote

“Follow your passion, you are always born with

a talent, it isn't useless, discover what your

talent is, god had planned it for you, use it for

good things and you will be successful in life”

- Quote

“Don’t be negative, positive will always be

peace, no hatred for others, no wars, ... just be

a positive person”

- Quote