Math: Juan Martin Perez

Here is my contact information

Free University of BerlinInstitute for MathematicsArnimallee 314195 BerlinRoom 012Tel .: 030-838 75352e-mail :juanmartip95[at]
I'm currently a Phd student under the supervision of Professor Alexander Schmitt and Florent Schaffhauser. I am also a BMS phase II student.


Research interests
My research interests lie in the field of Algebraic and Complex Geometry, with a specific focus on moduli problems. I am particularly interested in the classification of algebro-geometric objects and the construction of these objects via geometric invariant theory adjacent methods and theta-stability. Additionally, I am investigating different compactifications of these objects, for example through Uhlenbeck theory and Gieseker semistability. I am also interested in exploring the connections between these moduli problems and other areas of mathematics such as the Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence and non-abelian Hodge theory. My ultimate goal is to deepen our understanding of these complex mathematical concepts and their applications in other areas of mathematics and physics


Previous education
I am from Colombia. I obtained my Bachelor's degree at Universidad Nacional de Colombia in 2018 in Bogota. I finished my master´s degree at Universidad de los Andes in 2020 in Bogota and did a M2 (second year of master) at Université Cote d'Azur.