22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama (2023)
Stability properties for coupled reaction-diffusion systems
21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin (2021) - online
Insight into stability analysis of time-delay systems using Legendre polynomilas
22nd IFAC World Congress Workshop, Yokohama (2023)
A Showcase of LMI-Based Methods for Analysis, Control and Estimation of PDEs
Necessary and sufficient stability conditions for ODE-PDE interconnected systems
17th Time-Delay Systems Workshop, Montréal (2022)
Order of Legendre-LMI conditions to assess stability of time-delay systems.
3rd DECOD Workshop, Paris-Saclay (2021)
Insight into stability analsysis of the reaction-diffusion equation interconnected with a FD system.
Workshop DO, Mauvezin (2021)
Necessary and sufficient test of stability for time-delay systems?
Departamentio de Control Automático CINVESTAV, Mexico, June 2023
Conditiones necesarias y sufficientes de estabilidad de sistemas con retardos
Ampere Seminar, Centrale Lyon, April 2022
CAS Seminar, Paris, September 2022
LAGEPP Seminar, Lyon, June 2022
GIPSA Seminar, Grenoble, June 2022
On the convergence of sufficient LMI stability conditions for time-delay systems
Journées Nationales de l’Automatique, Session OSYDI, May 2022
Necessary and sufficient stability conditions for time-delay systems
PhD student seminar, MAC Team, May 2021
Stability of a system interconnected with a reaction diffusion equation
Journées Nationales de l’Automatique, Session OSYDI, Nov 2020
Insight into stability analysis of time-delays systems using Legendre polynomials
PhD student seminar, MAC Team, Sep 2019
Synthesis of a finite dimensional observer for an infinite dimensional system