(I)GCSE Year 5/11

Please click on the photo for the topic you wish to study or use the navigation on the top left "Mathematics video site":

Algebra 8 - Functions, domain and range, composite and inverse functions

Handling data 5 - Rules of probability, combined events, tree diagrams, ind

Algebra 9- Simultaneous equations linear and non-linear and proof

Graphs 8 - The gradient of a curve and the transformations of graphs.

Shape and space 8 - Vectors, multiplication by a scalar and vector geometry

Handling data 6 - Drawing and interpreting histograms

Number 10 Rational numbers, irrational numbers and surds

Algebra 10 - Simplifying, operations and solving equations

Graphs 9 - The gradient function, differentiation, rates of change and stationary points

Shape and space 9 - Three dimensional trigonometry

Shape and space 10 - Graphs of trigonometric functions, sine and cosine rules

Handling data 7 - Conditional probability

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