Math Divulged

Welcome! We are the Math Divulged team, composed of dedicated competitive math veterans, including experienced competitors such as Andrew Cai (2x MathCounts Nationals Runner-Up, MOPper, HMMT Feb. Combinatorics Winner) and Luke Robitaille (2x MathCounts Nationals Champion, IMO Gold Medalist, HMMT Feb. Individual Winner), as well as other MOPpers, National MathCounts champions, and more.

We invite any student interested in math to check out Math Divulged, a COMPLETELY FREE online series of classes! We offer a diverse set of topics and levels and participants have complete control over the classes they choose to attend, allowing them to craft their dream schedule.

We offer four series targeted towards different levels.

  1. Monday, Introductory: This competition-oriented series is for students with a solid grasp of Algebra 1, Geometry, and mathematical problem-solving who want to participate in or already have some experience in math competitions, while perhaps not having qualified for AIME. Material covered will prepare students for MathCounts and AMC 8/10/12.

  1. Wednesday, Intermediate: These competition-oriented classes offer a greater challenge by building upon the concepts introduced in the Introductory series. It's ideal for AIME qualifiers and aims to help students reach the next level.

  1. Friday, Seminars: Going beyond competition math, this series explores a plethora of topics with deep ties to mathematics, ranging from college-level math (such as Linear and Abstract Algebra), to the sciences (such as Astronomy and Computational Biology), to real-world applications (such as Cryptography and Disease Modeling). There will also be a few Q&As with Math Divulged team members. This is open to anyone who would like to learn more, regardless of age. These seminars will mostly be standalone, and there are no prerequisites.

  1. Saturday, Fundamentals: We aim to teach mathematics from the ground up, reviewing topics taught in school, from Algebra 1 to Pre-Calculus. We try to do what school math classes do not: turn math into an art, providing historical context for our topics, focus on the “why” of what we teach, and emphasize proof-based thinking. Students of any age are encouraged to attend, whether to build up their foundations or to learn a new side of the mathematics they thought they already knew.