1. Who is this for?

Anybody interested in learning math! Students of all ages and experience are welcome to use our resources or join us in our live sessions.

  1. Are there any costs associated with using these classes and resources?

There are not. Everything we offer is made available for free.

  1. When and where are classes?

Classes are entirely online, over the Zoom video conferencing platform. They are on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 3 PM CDT.

Introductory classes are on Mondays, intermediate on Wednesdays, seminars are on Fridays, and fundamentals on Saturdays.

A comprehensive list of scheduled classes is available on the Schedule page.

  1. What is the program's structure like?

We've split our classes into 4 weekly series: fundamentals, introductory, intermediate, and seminars.

  • Fundamentals: for students looking to strengthen their school math foundations

  • Introductory: if you haven't yet explored math in-depth outside the scope of a typical school curriculum but want to begin competition math, start here!

  • Intermediate: for students with experience in competition math who are looking to improve (eg get higher AIME scores)

  • Seminars: interesting, non-competition topics that are open to students of all skill levels

  1. What if I can't make a class, or I miss it?

Our sessions will be recorded, so check the Schedule page for recordings of past classes that you'd like to catch up on.