Math 6 Grading Policy

General Information on Grades

Your Canvas grade percentage reflects only your assignment completion in preparation for assessments. This is directly reported as your Citizenship Grade on your SIS grade reports each term.

Your Proficiency grade is in MasteryPortal and reflects your understanding of Math 6 concepts based on your performance on assessments; this is reported as your Math Grade in SIS each term.


Canvas / Citizenship Grade
The percentage and letter you see on your math class icon in Canvas solely reflects your total assignment completion. Your assessment scores (tests and quizzes) are not included in this grade. Your Canvas grade is reported as your Citizenship grade in SIS as the corresponding letter grade accordingly:

For example, if you have a 78% in Canvas, that means you have completed 78% of all current given assignments, regardless of your assessment scores. On our Canvas course, it would appear as a "S" for your grade and would be reported in SIS as a Satisfactory Citizenship grade in SIS if it were the end of the term. To improve your Canvas and Citizenship grade, complete the required assignments in Canvas. For more details on how assignments in Canvas work, see the "Badges" heading in Course Navigation.

Also, the RTI Scheduler we use for Shield, and where you go to sign up for Shield classes, only allows you to sign up for fun Shield class options if you have at least a 65% grade in Canvas.


Math Proficiency Grade
Your Proficiency Grade reflects your understanding of the math concepts learned and is solely based on your performance on assessments. You receive a letter grade based on your scores on all the skills learned, which is reported in SIS as your Math Class Grade:

An "A" or a "B" is considered a passing grade in math.

There are three types of assessments you will take that go into your math proficiency grade: CFA's, CSA's, and Spiral Assessments. CFA's are Common Formative Assessments, meaning they are quizzes that check your math understanding of each skill throughout the course of a math unit. They are not included in your Proficiency grade, their purpose is to help you monitor your progress to prepare for the unit CSA. CSA's are Common Summative Assessments, or unit tests that assess your understanding of all the math skills of an entire math unit. CSA scores are included in your Proficiency grade up until the respective Spiral Assessments for each unit. A Spiral Assessment reassesses a past skill learned and REPLACES the CSA or past Spiral Assessment scores for that unit. Spiral Assessments are given each term for every past unit learned. The purpose of a Spiral Assessment is to ensure your are keeping up your learned skills throughout the school year.

There are six units learned in 6th grade, listed in order of priority:

Each unit includes its own CFA's, CSA, and Spiral Assessments. Here is an example of how CFA's, CSA's, and Spiral Assessments work collectively toward your Proficiency Grade:

Our first unit learned is Data & Statistics, which has five learning target skills total. As we learn each skill throughout the unit, you will take CFA's for each skill to check how well you understand the material and how ready you are to perform proficiently on the Data & Statistics CSA. How well you perform on the Data & Statistics CFA's will help you help you know how to properly and specifically prepare to perform well on the CSA as you continue to practice and participate.  When you take the Data & Statistics CSA, you receive one overall score for that unit and we move on to the next unit as a class.

The next unit is Ratios & Proportions, which has six learning target skills total. Again, you will take CFA's for each skill to check how well you understand the material and how you need to prepare to perform proficiently on the Ratios & Proportions CSA, which you will take at the end of Term 1. Since it will have been some time since Data & Statistics was last assessed, there will also be a Data & Statistics Spiral Assessment given at the end of Term 1 to replace the Data & Statistics CSA.

This means your Term 1 grade will be based on your scores from the Data & Statistics Spiral Assessment and the Ratios & Proportions CSA. In Term 2, you will take another Data & Statistics Spiral Assessment, a Ratios & Proportions Spiral Assessment, and a Division CSA to make up your Term 2 grade. This patten continues with each term's units learned and past units reassessed.

Viewing Grades

To see your individual progress on each unit learned so far, view your scores in MasteryPortal in Canvas. You can find Math Practice Resources in Canvas for all 6th grade math units and required prerequisite skills.

Your Citizenship grade is based on your Canvas grade, which reflects your assignment completion and lesson participation in class.

For a rubric on how proficiency is measured each term, see the details below:

Rubric Explanation - English (back to school night).docx
Rubric Explanation - Spanish (back to school night).docx

Tutorial Video on Grades


Tutorial Video on Badges

Badges Tutorial Video.MP4