
The MPT materials have been developed through support from:

Matching Person & Technology Assessments

This site contains everything you need:

These materials were funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research,  through grant number HD38220 to The Institute for Matching Person & Technology.

Matching Assistive Technology & CHild (MATCH)

In hopes of providing a more personal approach to matching children with the most appropriate technologies for their use, the Matching Assistive Technology and CHild or MATCH assessment process was developed.  The MATCH process consists of a progression of instruments designed for AT evaluators, technology providers, Early Intervention Program/Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)  teams, IEP teams, AT service coordinators, therapists, and parents concerned about achieving the most appropriate match of a child with an assistive technology.  Each of the instruments is meant to be completed by the child/parent and evaluator in partnership so that dialogue occurs around options, expectations, and concerns and to:

Each of the instruments is quick, easy and self-explanatory and no specific scoring system need be used for most practical applications.  It is believed that careful completion of each instrument item and observation of the balance of positive to negative responses will often give the provider sufficient insight to determine the quality of the match of a person and a technology.  The forms and manual are available  in the FORMS section.



The Hearing Technology Predisposition Assessment (HTPA)

by Marcia J. Scherer, Ph.D., MPH, FACRM, Larry Medwetsky, Ph.D., CCC-A, & D., & Robert Frisina, Ph.D 

The development of the HTPA is described.  Copies of the forms are also included.

Click here to go to the article that describes the development of the HTPA and access the form

Matching Assistive Technology to Child-Augmentative Communication Evaluations Simplified Assessment (MATCH-ACES)

The MATCH-ACES assessment is an evidence-based comprehensive assessment process that is child-centered and used to identify the need for assistive technology in the educational setting.  It can also be used in the medical setting (a rehabilitation version of the MATCH-ACES is under development).  The MATCH-ACES assessment was found to be an effective assessment process in matching students to assistive technology (AT) with significant outcomes measures of students using the recommended AT to meet their educational goals.   

 The MATCH-ACESS Assessment manual includes information on procedures guidelines, psychometric properties of the assessment, and two case studies.  The MATCH-ACES Assessment forms are in PDF format on the USB Flash Card for unlimited use. The MATCH-ACES Assessment is available for purchase from this website

You may also be interested in this journal article: 

Validating a measure to assess factors that affect assistive technology use by students with disabilities in elementary and secondary education

Susan A. Zapf , Marcia J. Scherer , Mary F. Baxter , Diana H. Rintala 

Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 

Vol. 11, Iss. 1, 2016 

 Zapf, SA, Scherer, MJ, Baxter, MF & Rintala, DH.  (2016) Validating a measure to assess factors that affect assistive technology use by students with disabilities in elementary and secondary education, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 11(1), 38-49.  PMID:  26696460. 


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