Assessment Forms

Matching Person & Technology Guide to Forms

Assessment Process and Instruments

The MPT instruments take a personalized approach to assessing the potential technology need; choosing the most appropriate technology given the user’s goals and preferences, the technology features, and environmental support.


* Provides a general technology screening and evaluation as well as specific technology matching.

* Instruments are applicable across individuals, categories of disability, types of technology, and environments of use.

* Based on underlying MPT model with multiple research studies testing the model with different populations and technology use situations

* Specific instruments can be completed in approximately 15 minutes; a more comprehensive battery can be completed in approximately 45 minutes.

Note: The forms are designed so you can easily complete them on your computer. Use the Tab key (or Arrow Keys) to move forward from field to field. Use Shift/Tab (Left Arrow or Up Arrow keys) to move backward in the fields. You can also print the forms and complete them by hand. Please report any formatting or accessibility issues.
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To view forms individually, click the links in the list below (Steps in the MPT Process). Links will open in a new tab. Type CTRL+SHIFT+TAB to cycle through tabs without clicking.

Click here to View/Download MPT Manual (PDF) [1mb]

Forms are ICF compatible

(World Health Organization's Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health).

View PDF: MPT Compatibility with ICF and ISO 9999

View PDF: ICF and ATD PA Crosswalk 2021

View PDF: Rehab Set Crosswalk with ATD PA

Steps in the MPT Process

Step One: Use Form 1: Initial Worksheet for the Matching Person and Technology (MPT) Process, to determine initial goals and potential interventions supportive of goal achievement.

Step Two: Use Form 2: History of Support Use, to identify supports used in the past, satisfaction with those supports, and those which are desired and needed but not yet available to the consumer.

Step Three: Specific technology matching. The consumer and professional complete the version of the appropriate form depending on the type of technology under consideration.

Step Four: The consumer and professional discuss factors that may indicate problems with optimal use of the technology.

Step Five: After problem areas have been noted, the professional and consumer work to identify specific intervention strategies.

Step Six: The professional and consumer work to devise and document an action plan to address the problems.

Step Seven: A follow-up assessment is conducted to determine any adjustments or accommodations needed to the technology and to inquire into goal achievement and whether the consumer has changed priorities. For Assistive Technologies, specific follow-up forms have been developed that can be used to correlate initial and follow-up information and assess AT outcomes. Theses forms are:

There is also the Assistive Technology Use Follow-Up Survey (ATUFS) as an option. It has more reasons for non-use than the ATD PA Consumer (Follow-Up) and they can be identified as due to characteristics of the Person (P), the Technology (T), the Environments of Use (En), the Service Delivery process (SD), or to the lack of an adequate Assessment (Assess). For the other types of technologies being matched with a consumer (general, educational, workplace) administering the same forms pre and post technology will provide an idea of changes in the consumer perspectives of that device or product. Also, you can use the Technology Use Follow-Up Survey (TUFS).

Creating a Statement of Need

Click here to view Background Paper: Craddock, G. Statement of Need (SON) in an Assistive Technology Service Delivery System: Implications for Policy and Practice in an Irish context. Paper presented at AAATE 2003 - 7th Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe, Dublin, Ireland August 2003 to 3 September 2003.

Click here for the Sample Statement of Need (PDF)

Checklist for Service Providers

Checklist of Various Influences on a User's Suboptimal AT Experience

(Click here to download or view)

Image: MPT Flow Chart

Optional computerized scoring and interpretations of the results from the Assistive Technology Device Predisposition Assessment.

Here is a sample ATD PA scoring report (PDF). You can contact the Institute for scoring services or develop your own customized scoring program.

Since you are likely looking at changes in individuals pre to post intervention, you can look at individual sections or even particular items. In general, the "capability" items can be divided into physical, sensory and cognitive subscales. You can get an overall average score, or do the 3 subscales separately.

For the next section on activities and participation, all items are used to create an average. The same is true for the device-person match items. For person-device match items, the pre average would be "expectations of benefit" and the post items are "realization of benefit."

Interpreting the ATD PA Person-Device Match Total Scores

Actual Reports Containing Results from Applying the MPT Process

As professionals strive to effectively meet the needs and preferences of the people with whom they are working, it is important that the individuals who will be using the technologies are involved in making choices about what will best assist them. In this way, the chances that the person realizes benefit from use of the device are greatly increased. The Matching Person and Technology process provides the steps toward selecting technology that will best meet the needs and preferences of individuals with disabilities by encouraging professionals to thoroughly investigate the milieu or the environments of use, the preferences and characteristics of the individual, and the most appropriate features of the technology. You can access two actual case reports where the MPT process was used to inform decisions about the most appropriate interventions for a particular consumer. Written by working rehabilitation professionals

enrolled in an online master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling,* they have been edited from the original to make them more concise and to preserve the anonymity of the individuals involved.

Case report #1: Catherine, a young woman post motor vehicle injury with mobility loss, loss of dexterity in her dominant hand, and short-term memory loss as a result of a closed head injury.
Click here for Case report #1 (PDF)

Case report #2: Tim, a 30 year old man born with cerebral palsy who is experiencing difficulty in turning pages of books.
Click here for case report #2 (PDF)

Additional Information

For additional information about the Matching Person and Technology Process review the other materials on this website. You can also contact the Institute for Matching Person and Technology directly.

Next: Workbooks