What's New

July 16, 2024

MAT-Lab welcomes two new honours students!

We are pleased to have Nya and Trina join the lab this Fall to complete their Honours projects. Fun fact: they are conducting some really neat research this summer in Wales that focuses on promoting gender equality (part of the "Towards Gender Harmony" project).

April 22, 2024

Chapter on boredom intervention

A new Routledge book on boredom is published with many great chapters on the future directions of boredom research. You can check our chapter on boredom intervention here: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003271536-25

Photo from Noun Project

March 27, 2024

Presenting findings at the TRU Undergraduate Research Conference

Loghan presented some preliminary findings showing promising results for the Setback Solutions Intervention in collegiate athletes. Well done, Loghan!

January 29, 2024

Some New Reading for 2024

In January our team had three papers come out on topics covering student-athlete assessment, piloting the second phase of a boredom intervention, and learning how cognitive beliefs are linked to coping with setbacks in sport. Click our Publications tab above to access the DOIs!

Photo from Pexels.com

September 23, 2023

Presenting at the Conference on Undergraduate Research & Psychology

Vanessa Rilkoff presented some of her Honour's project findings on boredom misbeliefs at the Western Canadian Conference on Undergraduate Research & Psychology. She rocked it!

July 13, 2023

Research Brief: Boredom Intervention Training Phases 1-3

A new research brief is featured on the Mat-Lab website. This project is run by Drs. Tze, Daniels, & Parker, and the brief highlights our testing of three phases of a boredom intervention examining students' learning about boredom, boredom biases, and behavioural strategies. 

June 15, 2023

A new member to the MAT-Lab!

Dr. Parker is thrilled to welcome the littlest member to the MAT-laboratory: Violet (Baby Lettie). Violet was born on June 15th and is keeping her mom busy. Dr. Parker will return from parental leave next summer (2024).

May 1, 2023

Another Research Brief!

During a recent focus group, we interviewed two TRU athletes who watched our "Setbacks Solutions" intervention videos (pilot study). To learn more about what they had to say, please check out our new research brief

April 30, 2023

MAT-lab is excited to hire Loghan as an RA for 2023-2024

Loghan Eskritt will be helping out with our new SoTL-funded pilot study this year where we are exploring achievement emotions in a novel setting. We are excited to have her continue with this work.

April 1, 2023

TRU SoTL grant to support a new project

Dr. Parker recently received some seed funding from the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching  to examine achievement emotions experienced in sport practice settings this year. 

Photo by Tim Mossholder

Photo by RF._.studio on Pexels 

February 9, 2023

The MAT-Lab is growing!

We welcome Jost Hausendorf and Amira Jensen as research volunteers to the MAT-lab. Their university sport experience will be advantageous for our ongoing sport-related research this winter semester. 

November 1, 2022

New Research Assistants Join the MAT-Lab!

Loghan Eskritt and Ghritaachi Mehta have joined the lab this fall to get some hands-on research experience! Loghan is assisting with our cognitive intervention study targeting athletes dealing with setbacks. Ghritaachi is working on a pilot study to help reduce student boredom in university. 

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels 

September 1, 2022

Honours Student Joins the lab!

Vanessa Rilkoff is conducting some fascinating research on students' misbeliefs about boredom in the university classroom. We are very excited to see this thesis project take shape!

July 1, 2022

New Position!

Dr. Parker starts her new position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Thompson Rivers University!

Photo by Alex Perez on Unsplash

March 7, 2022

New Research Briefs: Learning from Athletes about Setbacks!

In the Fall of 2021, we conducted (1) focus group/interviews with local athletes and (2) collected athletes’ responses via an online platform (Prolific) to learn about athletes’ perceived control beliefs during sport setbacks. See the "Research Briefs" tab above for these projects created by Sierra Tulloch and Gaby Pelletier highlighting some of our findings.

October 12, 2021

Research at Riverview Health Centre

Along with Drs. Chipperfield, Hamm, and Perry, Dr. Parker conducted research at the Riverview Health Centre (Manitoba) examining motivation in older adults with compromised health. 

Our study is highlighted here on page 15.

Photo by Jannes Glas on Unsplash

October 4, 2021

New Research Brief

The ACME team collected some data on student athletes’ conceptions of sport and course assessment. Check out the "Research Briefs" tab above to see a brief designed by Gabrielle Pelletier highlighting some findings for the participants who completed the survey in spring of 2021.

September 16, 2021

In the Media: Dealing with Boredom during the Pandemic

Drs. Virginia Tze, Daniels and Parker are examining student boredom and the challenges of this emotion for students during the pandemic. Check out this story on how we hope to help students cope with boredom.