

Exploring Achievement Emotions in a Novel Achievement Setting
SoTL Grant - Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, 2023-2024
Principal Investigator 

Helping Athletes Maintain Motivation and Increase Psychological Well-being Amidst COVID-19 and Other Setbacks
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada - Insight Development Grant, 2021-2024

Principal Investigator (Co-Investigators: Drs. Daniels & Mosewich).

Black Students’ Lived Experiences of Classroom Assessment and Motivation
Faculty of Education Support for the Advancement of Scholarship - Operating Grant, 2021-2023

Co-Investigator (with Drs. Daniels & Poth).

Examining Achievement Emotions and Designing a Boredom Treatment Intervention in Educational Settings
2020-2022 (Collaborator with Drs. Daniels & Tze)


Parker, P. C., Daniels, L. M., & Mosewich, A. D. (2024). Collegiate athletes' cognitive beliefs related to setback anxiety and rumination in sport. Research Quarterly for Sport and Exercise. 

Tze, V., Parker, P. C., & Daniels, L. M. (2024). Boredom intervention: Recommendations, experiences, and preliminary evidence. The Routledge International Handbook of Boredom (pp. 366-381). 

Tze, V. C. M., Rilkoff, V., Daniels, L. M., & Parker, P. C. (2024). Testing Phase 2 of a targeted Boredom Intervention Training program and its impact on boredom misbeliefs. Canadian Journal of School Psychology. [Online first]

Parker, P. C., Goegan, L. D., Daniels, L. M. (2024). An exploratory mixed-methods study on student-athletes’ motivation for assessment in sport and academic settings. Cogent Education.

Daniels, L. M., Goegan, L. D., & Parker, P. C. (2023). The role of fairness and basic psychological needs in understanding dyslexic students' emotions in classroom assessment. Learning Disabilities--A Contemporary Journal, 21(2).

Goegan, L. D., Parker, P. C., & Daniels, L. M. (2023). Connecting basic psychological needs and assessment: The perspectives of postsecondary students with dyslexia. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 36(3), 241-255.

Parker, P. C., Daniels, L. M., & Goegan, L. D. (2023). Testing a measure of perceived sport control in student athletes. Journal of Sport Behaviour, 46(3), 55-66.

Dryden, R. P., Campbell, A., Perry, R. P., Chipperfield, J. G., Hamm, J. M., Parker, P. C., & Leboe-McGowan, L. (2023). Assisting students in debt to overcome academic setbacks with a cognitive-reframing motivation intervention. Advance online publication. Journal of Educational Psychology, 115(1), 55-72.

Parker, P. C., Chipperfield, J. G., Hamm, J. M, Perry, R. P., Krylova, M. V., Chuchmach, L. P., & Hladkyj, S. (2022). Attributional retraining: Promoting psychological wellbeing in older adults with compromised health. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4, 949501.

Parker, P. C., Perry, R. P., Chipperfield, J. G., Hamm, J. M., Daniels, L. M., & Dryden, R. P. (2022). Adjustment and acceptance beliefs in achievement settings: Implications for student wellbeing. Social Psychology of Education.

Parker, P. C., Perry, R. P., Hamm, J. M., Chipperfield, J. G., Li, J., Leboe-McGowan, L., & Coffee, P. (2022). Cognitive and affective motivation profiles of student-athletes compared to student non-athletes in University. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, Vol. 15 (pp. 187-208). Nova Science Publishers. 

Parker, P. C., Beeby, A. M., & Daniels, L. M. (2022). Examining the relationship between basic psychological needs and athlete identity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living: Psychological Factors in Physical Education and Sport, 4(814301).

Tze, V. C. M., Parker, P. C., & Sukovieff, A. (2022). Motivation in School Psychology (special issue): Control-value theory of achievement emotions and its relevance to school psychology. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 37(1), 23-39.

Parker, P. C., Tze, V. C. M., Daniels, L. M., & Sukovieff, A. (2021). Boredom Intervention Training Phase I: Increasing boredom knowledge through a psychoeducational video. Special Issue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Boredom in Health, Education, and Sports), 18(21), 11712.

Parker, P. C., Perry, R. P., Coffee, P. C., Chipperfield, J. G., Hamm, J. M., Daniels, L. M., & Dryden, R. P. (2021). The impact of student athlete social identity on psychosocial adjustment during a challenging educational transition. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.

Tze, V. C. M., Johnson, L., Parker, P. C. (2021). A mediation analysis of enjoyment and boredom in the relationship between perceived control/value and TIMMS 2015 mathematics performance. Current Psychology.

Parker, P. C., Perry, R. P., Hamm, J. M., Chipperfield, J. G., Pekrun, R., Daniels, L. M., Dryden, R. P., & Tze, V. (2021). A motivation perspective on achievement appraisals, emotions, and performance in an online learning environment. International Journal of Educational Research, 108, 101772.

Dryden, R. P., Perry, R. P., Hamm, J. H., Chipperfield, J. G., Clifton, R., Parker, P. C. & Krylova, M. V. (2021). A motivation treatment to assist first-generation college students overcome academic setbacks. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 64. 

Daniels., L. M., Goegan, L. D., & Parker, P. C. (2021). Remote Learning during COVID-19: Implications for university student motivation, engagement, and perceptions. Social Psychology of Education.

Tze, V. C. M., Daniels, L. M., Hamm, J. M., Parker, P. C., & Perry, R. P. (2020). Stability and change in the achievement emotion profiles of university students. Current Psychology.

Krylova, M. V., Dryden, R. P., Perry, R. P., Chipperfield, J. G., Hamm, J. M., Clifton, R. A., Hladkyj, S., & Parker, P. C. (2020). Cell phones and grades: Examining mediation by perceived control and anxiety. Social Psychology of Education, 23(5), 1277-1301.

Coffee, P. C., Parker, P. C., Murray, R., & Kawycz, S. (2020). Attributions and Social Identity. In A. Haslam, K. Fransen, & F. Boen (Eds.), Sport and Exercise Psychology: The Social Identity Approach. Sage.

Hamm, J. M., Perry, R. P., Chipperfield, J. G., Hladkyj, S., Parker, P. C., & Weiner, B. (2020). Reframing achievement setbacks: A motivation intervention to improve eight-year graduation rates for students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Psychological Science, 31, 623-633.

Parker, P. C., Chipperfield, J. G., Perry, R. P., Hamm, J. M., & Hoppmann, C. A. (2019). Attributions for physical activity in older adults: Predicting everyday physical activity and mortality. Psychology and Health, 34(2), 216-231.

Chipperfield, J. G., Hamm, J. M., Perry, R. P., Parker, P. C., & Lang, F. R. (2019). Psychological expectations as a moderator of the detrimental consequences of a downward spiral in late life health. Social Science & Medicine, 232, 444-452.

Cameron, J. J., Robinson, K. J., Parker, P. C., & Hole, C. (2019). Gender dating messages: Consequences for intended and unintended audiences. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36(11), 3554-3574.

Hamm, J. M., Perry, R. P., Chipperfield, J. G., Parker, P. C., & Heckhausen, J. (2019). A motivation treatment to enhance goal engagement in online learning environments: Assisting failure-prone college students with low optimism. Motivation Science, 5, 116-134.

Parker, P. C., Perry, R. P., Hamm, J. M., Chipperfield, J. G. Hladkyj, S., & Leboe-McGowan, L. (2018). Attribution-based motivation treatment efficacy in high-stress student athletes: A moderated-mediation analysis of cognitive, affective, and achievement processes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 35, 189-197.

Parker, P. C., Perry, R. P., Chipperfield, J. G., Hamm, J. M., & Pekrun, R. (2018). An attribution-based motivation treatment for low control students who are bored in online learning environments. Motivation Science, 4(2), 177-184.

Hamm, J. M., Chipperfield, J. G., Perry, R. P., Parker, P. C., & Heckhausen, J. (2017). Tenacious self-reliance in health maintenance may jeopardize late life survival. Psychology and Aging, 32(7), 628-635.

Hamm, J. M., Perry, R. P., Chipperfield, J. G., Heckhausen, J., & Parker, P. C. (2016). A motivation-enhancing treatment to sustain goal engagement during life course transitions. Motivation and Emotion, 40, 814-829.  

Parker, P. C., Perry, R. P., Hamm, J. M., Chipperfield, J. G., & Hladkyj, S. (2016). Enhancing the academic success of competitive student athletes using a motivation treatment intervention (attributional retraining). Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 26, 113-122.

Clifton, R. A., Hamm, J. M., & Parker, P. C. (2015). Promoting effective teaching and learning in higher education. In M. B. Paulsen (Ed.), Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research (Vol. 30). New York: Springer.

Selected Conference Publications

Parker, P. C., Daniels, L. M., Mosewich, A. M., Chipperfield, J. G., Ortner, C. O., & Tze, V. M. C. (2023, June). Examining the effects of control beliefs and strategies on rumination and sport commitment during sport performance setbacks. Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.

Tze, V. C. M., Li, J., Sukovieff, A., Parker, P. C., & Daniels, L. M. (2023, June). Students' Mindset about Changing Boredom. Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.

Parker, P. C., & Garcia, A. J. (2023, April). Today’s collegiate student-athlete experiences: Understanding the psychosocial, motivational, and contextual factors involved. Paper in Symposium (co-chair). American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Tulloch, S. L., Pelletier, G. N., Parker, P. C., Goegan, L. D., & Daniels, L. M. (2023, April). Canadian student-athletes’ perspectives on managing sport setbacks during COVID-19: A qualitative investigation. Paper in Symposium. American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois. 

Chipperfield, J. C., Chuchmach, L. M., Perry, R. P., Parker, P. C., Hamm, J. M., Hladkyj, S., Murphy, D., & Dryden, R. P.  (2023, April).  Mobility challenges in late life: The role of adaptive thinking in promoting physical activity. Western Psychological Association. Riverside, CA.

Perry, R. P., Murphy, D., Dryden, R. P., Chipperfield, J. G., Hamm, J. M., Parker, P. C., & Ahronson, D. (2023, April). Bridging motivation theories: Attributional retraining, agentic control, and value interact to predict student emotions and achievement performance. Western Psychological Association. Riverside, CA.

Dryden, R. P., Perry, R. P., Parker, P. C., Hamm, J. M., Chipperfield, J. G., Hladkyj, S., Murphy, D., & Ahronson, D. (2023, April). Causal (Explanatory) reasoning following an achievement setback during major academic transitions. Western Psychological Association, Riverside, CA.

Parker, P. C., Tulloch, S., Chazan, D., Pelletier, G. N., & Daniels, L. M. (2022, June). Examining factors contributing to athletes’ anxiety about body image when considering sport setbacks. Canadian Psychological Association. Calgary, Alberta.

Parker, P. C., Tze, V. C. M., Daniels, L. M., & Sukovieff, A. (2022, June). A theory-based psychoeducational video designed to increase boredom knowledge. Canadian Psychological Association. Calgary, Alberta.

Tze, V. C. M., Daniels., L. M., Parker, P. C., Sukovieff, A., & Brekelmans, S. (2022, June). Boredom intervention training: Students’ perspectives on intervention materials. Canadian Psychological Association. Calgary, Alberta.

Tze, V. M., Parker, P. C., Sukovieff, A. (2022, June). Control-Value Theory: The implications to school psychologists’ practices. Paper in Symposium (Education and School Psychology). Canadian Psychological Association. Calgary, Alberta.

Parker, P. C., Daniels, L. M., & Mosewich, A. M. (2022, May). The role of secondary control for athletes during setbacks in fostering motivation and wellbeing. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Waikoloa Village, HI.

Parker, P. C., Pelletier, G. N., Daniels, L. M., & Mosewich, A. M. (2022, May). Does it matter when the setback happened? Assessing differences in perceived setback severity, achievement motivation, and emotions in sport. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Waikoloa Village, HI.

Parker, P. C., Goegan, L., & Daniels, L. M. (2022, April). Exploratory study on student athletes’ conceptions of sport and course assessment. American Educational Research Association, Research Focus in Education and Sport SIG. San Diego, California.

Dryden, R. P., Perry, R. P., Hamm, J. M., Parker, P. C., & Chipperfield, J. G. (2022, April). Control and value interact to predict achievement emotions: A large-scale, multiple-cohort study. American Educational Research Association . San Diego, California 

Dryden, R. P., Perry, R. P., Chipperfield, J. G., Hladkyj, S., Parker, P. C., Hamm, J. Campbell, A. & Murphy (2022, April). Secondary control reappraisal strategies sustain emotional wellbeing in college students following academic setbacks. Western Psychological Association, Portland, Oregon.

Newall, N., Menec, V., & Parker, P. C. (2021, October). How to connect older adults with social resources. Feedback from older adults on the design of information pamphlets (during COVID-19). Canadian Association on Gerontology(virtual).

Goegan, L. D., Chazan, D. J., Parker, P. C., Pelletier, G. N., & Daniels, L. M. (2021, August). And then everything changed: Comparing students’ perceptions of their course before and after instructional changes resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.  APA Annual Convention, San Diego, CA [online].

Parker, P. C., Perry, R. P., Chipperfield, J. G., Hamm, J. M., Dryden, R. P., Daniels, L. M., & Goegan, L. D. (2021, June). Exploring the influence of competitive sport participation on achievement goals and indicators of academic success. Canadian Psychological Association Convention [online].

Tze, V. C. M., Johnson, L., Parker, P. C. (2021, June). The mediating role of boredom and enjoyment between perceived control/value and TIMSS 2015 mathematics performance. Canadian Psychological Association Convention [online].

Dryden, R. P., Perry, R. P., Hamm, J. M., Parker, P. C., Chipperfield, J. G., Krylova, M. V., & Campbell, A. V. (2021, April). Student-generation moderates relationships between high school grades and college achievement: A multiple-cohort field study. Western Psychological Association Convention [online].

Parker, P. C., Menec, V., & Newall, N. (2020, November). Loneliness during Covid-19: Does living situation or ability to access information about social activities matter? Gerontological Society of America (GSA) [online].

Chipperfield, J. G., Hamm, J. M., Parker, P. C., Krylova, M. V., Chuchmach, L. P., Perry, R. P., Krause, C. S., & Hoppmann, C. A. (2020, November). Adaptive causal thinking about mobility challenges: Implications for quality of life [Poster Session]. Gerontological Society of America (GSA) [online].

Parker, P. C., Perry, R. P., Chipperfield, J., Hamm, J. M., Dryden, R. P., Leboe-McGowan, L. & Coffee, P. (2020, April). The impact of student athlete social identity on psychosocial adjustment in competitive achievement settings [Paper Session]. American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA [online].

Parker, P. C., Perry, R. P., Hamm, J. M., Chipperfield, J. G., Clifton, R. A., Leboe-McGowan, L., & Coffee, P. (2019, April). Motivation profiles of student-athletes and non-athletes in competitive achievement settings. American Educational Research Association, Toronto, ON.

Parker, P. C., Chipperfield, J. G., Perry, R. P., Hamm, J. M., Hladkyj, S., Krylova, M., & Hoppmann C. A. (2018, October). Causal attributions for inactivity: Gender differences in the possible consequences of attributions for physical health. Canadian Association on Gerontology, Vancouver, B.C.