Our GOAL is to push you to keep moving FORWARD...
Here you can read all our Tips & Challenge.
Tips & Challenge No. 22 - 2021
(Date 03-Jun-2021)
Never based your Action on a Reaction!
In life, And because of our struggles, A lot of time our opinions, actions, and decisions are based on our reactions to someone's ideas or actions!
Let us see these reactions as an electric fan supplied by other's actions.
If the electricity gone, the electric fan will turn off and the air will fade dramatically.
That is why we change our opinions, or stop taking the same decisions, or start doing different actions and never reach our goal.
However, if you consider your opinions, actions, and decisions, as a storm that never ends until it makes the work. Then, you will not rush anything because of your reactions.
And when you decide to take the action that you'll never regret, and continue feeding it, you will achieve your goal.
Your Challenge:
As human, we are usually influenced to actions taken by a group of people reacting to something.
Never let the wave lead you, unless you are convinced by this reaction as an action itself.
Tips & Challenge No. 21 - 2021
(Date 27-May-2021)
The Famous Question!
Almost everyone and everywhere, maybe at work, with our friends or family, we ask or someone asks us the famous question: “What Do You Think?”
What do we really mean by: “What Do You Think?” What is the real purpose behind this question?
Logically, it is about giving our honest opinion regarding the topic. But unfortunately, this question has a pre-approved answers in our mind:
"Wow" - "It is perfect" - "It is amazing“ - "It is beautiful" - "You are totally right“ - "You are genius"...
If the answer is something else, or to disagree with the main topic, the person asking will be desperate and sad. Because, most of the time, people seek an approval behind this famous question!
That is totally wrong!
When we ask about something, we must listen to the answers, and respect the different opinion, despite our original idea. Asking a question is to find the best answer, and not to approve our wish!
Finally, don't ask a question if you don't really mean it!
Your Challenge:
Every time you want to do something, don't ask people for their opinions, if you don't want to benefit from their answers.
Respect your time and their time too.
Tips & Challenge No. 20 - 2021
(Date 20-May-2021)
What Do You Really Want?
People, by nature, are influenced by their circle: Parents, Friends, or Colleagues.
This makes them create an image about themselves, helps them to set their Goals and the references for Success.
These days, there is an additional factor that influences people, especially children and youth: Obviously it is the Social Media!
For example, the number of available filters, pushed many people:
To refuse their unique beauty & shape,
To create imaginary goals that might be never achieved, because it is based on fake references.
Also, many people measure their success based on the number of Followers, Views, Likes, Comments etc...
But, most of the times, these numbers are Fake, or Paid or Sponsored.
The Social media, pushed some people:
To leave their real identity and core values,
To use their older people as clowns,
Or to act as a clown,
Just to get some extra views. For what? To Feel the taste of this Fake Success!
Because in reality, even financially, it is so hard to generate good income from social media.
Please, focus on yourself, find what is your real passion, set your goals, and find your dream, then Master Your Best.
Social Media is essential these days and can help you, but always use it as a tool, not as a reference.
Your Challenge:
Get a paper, write a simple thing you are passionate about. Set the references of success, to evaluate your progress.
And start working on it.
Don't forget!
Measure your success based on the references YOU wrote and not based on others' opinions.
Tips & Challenge No. 19 - 2021
(Date 13-May-2021)
Sharing is not always caring!
We always say sharing is caring, but is it always true?The answer is NO.
Sharing negative thought will never help anyone!
Sharing naughty things about others, will never be good!
Sharing someone's privacy, and secret, is never right.
Sharing your lifestyle, while it is not affordable for your peer, is never about caring, it is selfishness!
So in these cases and more... Stop sharing will be the true meaning of caring.
Every time you want to share something with someone, think before:
Will this push them to be happier, better, nicer?
Will this push them to live in peace, get inspired, and motivated?
If the answer is no: "stop sharing it" will be the most caring things you can make.
Your Challenge:
Social media is being a big part of our life.
Before sharing anything think is it ok to share this or no?
Control your social media and don't let social media control your life.
Tips & Challenge No. 18 - 2021
(Date 06-May-2021)
The Art of Discussion!
Every day and every time we have a topic to discuss, it is almost impossible to find two people with exactly the same opinion and idea, and this is very healthy.
But unfortunately, what happen most of the time is:
People switch from giving their opinion to fighting with each other! Because everyone considers their opinion is the only right one and all the others are wrong.
It is ok, to stick and defend our opinion and persuasions. But, we also have to respect others opinion too. It is ok, if we didn't love or accept their idea, but be sure not to hate them as people.
We always have to differentiate between our emotion to the person and our emotion to the idea.
Try to Master The Art of Discussion.
Your Challenge:
Every time you start a discussion about something, and you feel agitated or angry, Stop, Take a breath, and remind yourself:
It is about refusing the idea and not the person. And remember:
Everyone has the right to have their own unique opinion.
Tips & Challenge No. 17 - 2021
(Date 29-Apr-2021)
Tips & Challenge No. 16 - 2021
(Date 22-Apr-2021)
Take A Break!
Many people, including us, always push and motivate themselves by saying: "Don't give up, keep going, and trying to achieve your goals/dreams."
But today, we believe and focus more on the importance of THE BREAK. When you feel tired, when your energy is drained, and you feel powerless, it is OK, not just OK, it is very important to admit your weaknesses and take a break.
Because, when we are tired, our brain will be out of focus, and we will take wrong decisions. This will lead to slowing down our journey and maybe losing our path toward our target.
So, the most important point is to know yourself and to know when you must take a break to recharge and continue your journey to your dream.
Your Challenge:
Every time, you plan to do something, and while putting the steps to achieve it, your challenge is to insert and highlight your Breaks. These Breaks will prevent you from being upset when you face struggles in your journey.
Tips & Challenge No. 15 - 2021
(Date 15-Apr-2021)
What is your reference?
This is one of the most important questions these days. A lot of people aren't satisfied with their life, because of the same main problem: They compare!
Mainly, because the society affects and influences us in different ways:
When we wear clothes, we judge if it is beautiful or not based on what we called today's fashion!
When we look to ourselves, we forget that beauty is in our uniqueness, and we refer it to what people think.
When we say this person is smart or not, the reference is always his rank.
This applies in every section of our life! We always compare to judge, and usually we use an unfair reference.
Remember, every person is unique in his beauty, his brain, and his style. Stop comparing yourself to others, because you will never be satisfied in this case!
Your Challenge:
When you get any new result in school, at work, or anywhere, please judge it based on your previous results and not by referring it to others. Critique yourself to master YOUR best and not to be the best.
Tips & Challenge No. 14 - 2021
(Date 08-Apr-2021)
Always Challenge Yourself!
Everyone is special and unique! And sure you have your strengths too. The traditional advice is to focus on your talent/gift and improve it.
But today, we are going to give you a different advice, in addition to the previous one. Try to challenge yourself, and learn to do something you never thought about it before!
The challenges are very important to stimulate your brain, and to keep developing new habits. Usually, parents expose their kids to new things in order to make them smarter. But this trick works also for adults.
You may succeed in learning new things and surprise yourself. Or you may fail, but this will be a new experience to learn from.
Life is all about learning. Sometime you may learn from a kid, a friend, or an old person. You may learn from a toy, a video, or a course. Learning is the food for your brain, so keep feeding your brain.
Your Challenge:
This week, find a topic you never tried before. Search and learn about it, challenge yourself and do it. It may be very simple, such as making a new recipe. Or sophisticated, like programming a game. It doesn't matter. Just challenge yourself.
Tips & Challenge No. 13 - 2021
(Date 01-Apr-2021)
The Power of Reading!
We all know the power of reading books to train our brain! But today, we will talk about another type of reading.
We will highlight the importance of small readings in our daily life.
Are you reading for example:
The ingredients of the food you eat.
The instructions on a medicine you take.
The user manual of a tool you buy, even if it is a simple one.
The help section of an application you downloaded.
And the list never ends...
You will be surprised how many new things you will learn. Maybe, things you didn't even know they exist.
Because, sure nothing is written without a reason.
So don't forget to benefit from the power of reading every day.
Your Challenge:
Take one of your favorite food that you are thinking it is healthy and read the ingredients... Maybe you will change your mind.
Bring the user manual of a machine you always use and check for new features you never know about them before.
Tips & Challenge No. 12 - 2021
(Date 25-Mar-2021)
Are you living your LIFE?
People forget to live their life because of: Everyday problems, stresses and distractions.
Many times, we forget to enjoy our life and count our blessings,
because of our struggles. To shift our life perspective, let us
remember these 5 main points:
1- We forget that we work to live, and we start living to work.
2- We forget that we eat to live, and we live everyday thinking of what to eat.
3- We forget to enjoy our family time, instead we stress our present thinking about tomorrow.
4- We study for the grades instead of enjoying learning.
5- Instead of using social media and today's technologies for our best, we get used by these apps.
Our time will pass very fast, and we will get old too soon!
So let us, don't forget to enjoy our LIFE. Finally, don't count your time, always live the moment, and let your time be counted.
Your Challenge:
Create a list of tasks in your life and set your priority. Always give more time to important people and things in your life. It is ok to have a plan, but don't only focus on the future, maybe tomorrow will not exist...
Enjoy what you have, enjoy your today.
Tips & Challenge No. 11 - 2021
(Date 18-Mar-2021)
Darkness is the absence of LIGHT!
Darkness is a state that happens when the light is
missing. However, it never exists if a small flame appears.
In these bad days, we can't see the light, we feel like we
are in a deep dark cave where no source of light exists.
Even though, we must create the flame and provide substance to maintain it. Remember, creating a flame can be done by rubbing two sticks together when no other way is possible.
Cooperation is a must to: Create and keep feeding the fire to light the way out of this dark cave.
It is not easy, but in our community everyone is important. The ones who try hard to generate the spark, and others who feed the spark to maintain the light.
… Until we are out of this darkness.
Your Challenge:
In our community, everyone can influence the change. You can start anytime! For example, Change one attitude that feeds the corruption. Like, stop buying unimportant things that are too expensive.
Tips & Challenge No. 10 - 2021
(Date 11-Mar-2021)
Every day we face problems!
Some are minor and others are serious, but how should we deal with them? Problems are like obstacles blocking our road, and solutions may vary. Today, we will list three options:
You can go underground.
You can try to break the obstacles.
Or, You can go by the bridge.
What will you choose?
If you choose to go underground: That means you went under your obstacles, pretending they not exist! It is a very dark place, but maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.
If you choose to try breaking the obstacles: That means you need a lot of time, effort, and energy. Maybe you are wasting your time and losing your energy. But, at the end, you may pass tired, if not failing to pass.
If you choose to use the bridge: That means you decided to grow over the obstacles, by building your own bridge, or maybe by asking the support and guidance of others.
It is very important to think twice before choosing the best solution for the problem. Because, every choice has positive and negative effects in our life!
Your Challenge:
When you face obstacles in your life always evaluate your anger/emotions, and think if it worth to waste your energy/time on them or you must let them go.
Tips & Challenge No. 9 - 2021
(Date 04-Mar-2021)
Life will never be perfect!
Life is like a full Day with dark Moments and light ones. Like the seasons where the days and nights change duration.
We all face good moments and bad moments. But, we must remember: It is impossible to control everything in our life.
We always encourage the people around us to master their best! But, there will be always something we can't change!
How can we deal with this?
There are 2 ways:
To focus on the problems and be disappointed.
Or to focus on the blessings and be thankful, while trying to solve the problems, if possible!
It is all about your focus, and it is your choice: Stay disappointed or appreciate your blessing and be happy. This will lead to great impacts on your life.
Your Challenge:
Keep with you a small notebook or use your phone note to write your blessings.
And, when you feel frustrated, you can always go back and check your notes, this will refresh your life.
Tips & Challenge No. 8 - 2021
(Date 25-Feb-2021)
Do YOU THINK with:
Your brain, Your heart, or Your affection?
Should a person's behavior change according to the situation? Can someone be kind in a place, and mean in another?
For example: If you are a father/mother and your kids do something wrong! Do you insult/hurt them? If you are at the same time a boss and one employee do something wrong, what do you do?
If someone gives you a bad comment on your real life, how and what do you reply?
And if you get the same type of comment on social media, how and what will you reply?
Your reactions, behavior, and attitude should, somehow, be the same! Because you are the same person, and you must have clear guidelines in your life.
We believe human beings are a full package: Brain, Love and Affection... But these things must work harmoniously, to form our personality and behavior in all our life. Be YOU always! Be the best version of yourself in all parts of your life. Always Master Your Best.
Your Challenge:
When you get mad about something do you usually count to ten?
I will add: Before reacting, repeat in your head the same situation, replacing the person causing your anger, by Someone You love, and then take your actions! Can you try it this week?
Tips & Challenge No. 7 - 2021
(Date 18-Feb-2021)
The power of change!
Many times, when we face obstacles in our personal life, in our career, or our community, we say:
"Don't bother yourself, we can't change anything!"
I agree, sometimes things are so hard to change, especially, if we are thinking about a fast change! But things will not remain the same forever!
Remember, only a drop of water for a long time can break a strong rock.
The secret is in the consistency and most importantly the patience, because change needs time!
Believe in your idea and don't say you can't. Start, like a drop of water, maybe you will influence your community and the drops of water will collect together to form a stream that carves the rock faster.
Your Challenge:
Choose three things you wanted to change, but you gave up, in your Personal life / Career / Community and DO IT. Try to find people sharing the same thoughts. This will help you to stay motivated.
Tips & Challenge No. 6 - 2021
(Date 11-Feb-2021)
The Virtual Social Life:
In LIFE, we have the power to learn and see the good in anything we face. Let us learn to see this, as an opportunity.
These days, and especially because of the pandemic, our social life is almost converted to virtual social life. Sure, it is a good way to stay connected. But, wait a second! Most social media posts are FAKE!
Many videos and pictures, on social media, are sooooo different from the real life.
We are not judging or generalizing! We are highlighting the importance of:
NOT comparing yourself to these posts.
Don't underestimate your life, your power, and your skills.
Use social media to stay connected, maybe to learn new things, or for your business. But, please, never use it to take "Fake Influencers" as your role models.
Your challenge:
Almost, all platforms have the option to "show less posts like this", "stop seeing posts like this", "Unfollow", "Block"... Your challenge is to always clean your timeline. Every time you got negative feeling vibes choose this option and filter the posts you are seeing on these platforms.
Tips & Challenge No. 5 - 2021
(Date 04-Feb-2021)
Stress Effect!
Everyone knows stress is bad for our emotional life and our health. But can you really imagine The negative power of stress?
Stress can paralyze your brain, so you can't think properly nor see things clearly.
Here is your challenge:
But, before you start, set the timer to 30 seconds and try to find all the differences between the two pictures below before the countdown finish.
How many one did you find? Did you feel blind? Or cannot focus? This is a simple example of the Stress Effect.
Now, repeat the same exercise, without any timer, just relax and try your best to find all the differences. Maybe you noticed it is easier when you have no stress, and you found more differences.
The same is in your life, every time you face any problem and become stressed, Remember:
Stop Thinking and Relax to allow your Brain to work properly.
Tips & Challenge No. 4 - 2021
(Date 28-Jan-2021)
Is Motivation Really Efficient?
If you ask Google about Motivation you will find thousands of Sources, Videos, Speakers, Books, Quotes, Blogs, Ideas, and Methods... Once you read or watch them, you will feel excited, you may see it so easy, and really efficient. And you decide to: DO it!
But after a while, what pushed you, will fade and you will return to your initial stage or maybe worse. Why?
Is it because Motivation is not efficient? Or because people, who motivated you, are lying?
Surely No!!!
Motivation is like a spark for the fire camp. But, if you stop feeding the fire, it will die!
It is so important to take advantage of motivation in our life. BUT, we must take the idea seriously, we must continue to feed it, so it develops and shine, and it will make a great impact on our life.
Your Challenge:
Write something motivated you. And, write a plan to keep feeding it and to develop it. Now, every time you feel it fade, you will find the right way to spark your internal fire again! See it like: Creating an action plan or feasibility study for your Motivation. Try it, and tell us about your best practices.
Tips & Challenge No. 3 - 2021
(Date 21-Jan-2021)
Easy way to bring happiness to your life!
How can I be happy? A question everyone asks all through his life. And, especially today, in this pandemic, all who build their happiness on outside factors are facing real struggles. So what can we do?
Here is a small and simple advice, but it will make a huge difference, in your days!
What really makes a person happy and proud is the accomplishment of something. It doesn't matter if it is a big or small project, the accomplishment brings self satisfaction that will lead to the happiness.
Let me give you some examples, and by the way it shouldn't be a great accomplishment:
Color a picture and finish it.
Read a book and finish it.
Help someone waiting nothing in return.
Do some craft, cook something, create a design, write...
Or any other idea you may think about... But the secret remains to accomplish it with your best.
Trust me, this will make you happy. Give it a try.
Your Challenge:
Choose something you like, or maybe something new, and start with it. Build your little accomplishments every day and you'll have the castle of happiness.
Tips & Challenge No. 2 - 2021
(Date 14-Jan-2021)
Be smart with your actions and don't assume different results if you are approaching your goals always in the same way.
Don't Judge or Prejudge without having the complete story.
Don't Compare yourself to anyone else because your journey is different.
Everyone has a different path, and a different Goal, and their success never mean your failure.
Don't Give up after your first failure, or second, or third, or maybe after your thousand trials.
Your EGO is your first and only enemy to keep down in order to move forward.
Saying Sorry when you are wrong is not a sign of weakness, and remember Sorry is an act and not only a word.
Your Challenge:
This week, be honest to yourself and focus on one of your bad habits, only one! Your challenge is to replace it with one good habit for the next Seven (7) days.
Tips & Challenge No. 1 - 2021
(Date 5-Jan-2021)
It is never too late to learn new habits and skills. Learning must always be followed by actions and practices.
Do what you love, and learn to love what you do.
Keep your Dreams alive. See your failures as a new step towards your Dreams.
Be Kind with everyone and be Supportive to people around you.
Learn to grow with the people around you.
Say NO, to everything and everyone draining your energy.
Despite your religion, pray daily.
Your Challenge:
This week, look deep into your heart, and search for a hobby or a skill that You never tried before or maybe You stopped doing it since few years ago. Set a fixed time daily and try it for the next twenty one (21) days.