Our Humble Beginning

September 18, 1969

Please Note:

For our Friday night club meeting on September 13, 2024, the Maryland Mobileers Amateur Radio Club will be celebrating our 55th Anniversary which occurs on the following Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Our Humble Beginnings

de – Chuck Olson, W3CVD

Past Historian and Charter Secretary




        Under the pretext of a social gathering, a group of 15 local amateur radio operators crowded into the living/dining area of (W3FDU), Jim Fournier’s, mobile home in Hanover Maryland on the evening of September 18th in 1969.  However, this diverse group of civilian and military ham operators were no strangers to each other, having under the persuasion and coordination of W3FDU, come together the previous June to form an impromptu, but surprisingly successful Field Day team.


        Jim, W3FDU, being a visionary as well as a very persuasive salesman, had a hidden agenda.  Shortly following our arrival, he introduced a proposal and quickly convinced the group of the need to form an emergency and service oriented radio club to assist in community events and supplement the local government communications in times of an emergency but still leaving ample time for “contesting” as a means of fun while improving our radio skills.  Having a consensus of the group in support of organizing such a group, Jim further suggested an appropriate name for this group, the Maryland Mobileers Amateur Radio Club.  This name was chosen taking into consideration that the majority of the group members had hf mobile radio capability installed in their personal vehicles.  Keep in mind, this was in an era that preceded “repeaters” and the development of affordable hand held and mobile vhf/uhf  radio that has become the popular choice today.


        Next in order on that same evening was the editing and signing of a Charter (which by coincidence, Jim had already drafted) followed by a vote to nominate and select the following Charter Officers:


President – Jim Fournier, W3FDU

                                 Vice Pres – Bob Reese, WA3NNG

                                 Secretary – Chuck Olson, W3CVD

                                 Treasurer – Jim Ballew, WA3MRH

                                 Activity Dir. – Art Dunn, WA3NCT

                                 Net Emerg. Coordinator – Ralph Dellegatti, K3CMY


Thus, at the end of that busy evening of September 18, 1969, some 50 years ago, the Maryland Mobileers Amateur Radio Club became a viable entity.  A set of by-laws and incorporation papers were filed shortly thereafter.


In retrospect, probably the highest expectations of most of the Charter Members on that evening were, that given the opportunity to demonstrate and promote the Club’s radio resources and our operational proficiency, we could at least hold the group’s interest and stay in touch as a group until the next Field Day.  Unfortunately, several of that original group of Charter Members have become “Silent Keys” while others have scattered across the country and are hard to contact since they have requested different Call Signs or no longer have an interest in amateur radio.  Never the less, after five decades, History has proven our initial expectations to have been short sighted.


So in concluding this short glimpse into the Club’s history, on behalf of the Charter Group I pass along our great appreciation to the dedication and loyalty of all of the Club’s Officers and members who have succeeded us.




We are still going and growing!