
Youth Camping Trip

Youth Trip to RetroCade

Making Faithful Disciples

Our church seeks to make faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. We provide education and training for those who respond to Christ’s invitation to follow him.

We do this primarily through the Sunday School. Our Sunday School classes meet at 9:45 A.M. and emphasize fellowship and study. Classes are available for all ages, from newborn babies through adults. Adults may choose from among nine classes. These are not age graded but are distinguished by styles of teaching and learning, curriculum materials used, and common life interests. Interested persons are encouraged to visit a variety of classes and choose the one they like best.

In addition to this ongoing learning opportunity, there are occasional short-term study units, such as Winter Bible Study and a Lenten Study Series in the spring.

We have an active and involved youth ministry. Our young people meet on Sunday evenings for fun and study, and they participate in periodic service projects and fun events throughout the year. Of special interest is the weeklong mission trip each summer.

Our church has a unique call to serve college students. The Student Ministries Committee integrates students into the full life of the congregation, providing opportunities for them to be of meaningful service.

Contact Youth Minister Nicholas Honeycutt for more information.


Summer Camp for Middle Schoolers

Passport Camp

Summer Camp for Younger Students