Mars Hill Baptist Church
Helping You Grow Your Faith
67 North Main St, Mars Hill NC 28754
Phone - 828.689.2911
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Welcome to Mars Hill Baptist Church!
We are glad you are here!
Who We Are: Our church seeks to provide worship experiences that lift people into the presence of God and speak to their needs. We offer a variety of worship opportunities within an established faith community. We welcome families and children of all ages to our Sunday services and can help everyone in your family feel welcome!
Called Into Community: We, the Mars Hill Baptist Church, are a part of the Body of Christ serving in the world. Called into community by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we serve under Christ’s Lordship and share God’s love with the world. We believe that "Every Member is a Minister."
Please join us in person, or join us online, you are always welcome!
Click here to see a calendar of events and let us know if you have events to add to our calendar. Email
We worship on Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM and also have a variety of Sunday School options beginning at 9:45 AM… come join us and grow in faith!
Click here to financially support our Church. You can give your tithe and offering as well as just give a donation to the Church.
If you can't join in person, join us online. Find our weekly service on our FaceBook page, we look forward to seeing you there!
Have Kids? We welcome families and children of all ages to our Sunday services and can help everyone in your family feel welcome!
Click here to see saved videos from previous services.
Our church seeks to provide worship experiences that lift people into the presence of God and speak to their needs.
Click the dropdown for ways to be Involved