Revisions & Late Work


It’s not about being perfect when you’re learning. We make mistakes and learn from them, which is an important part of the learning process. In this class, you will have opportunities to revise most assignments.

You will have the opportunity to submit your best work, and if your assignment is not passing, you will see "Progressing: Please Revise" in the Grade column for that assignment. You will then need to revise the assignment by looking at my feedback and resubmitting your assignment. I prefer you do this within 3 days of my returning the assignment to you, but I will accept it at any time. Once your assignment is passing, you will receive a grade of “Accomplished” in Canvas which means the assignment will count toward your Grade Goal. There are no limits on the number of assignments you can revise.

I know your final grade is important to you, but in college courses, one of the most important aspects of the grading process is the feedback you'll receive from me. I'll work extra hard to ensure you receive timely feedback on all assignments--usually within 72 hours of the due date for small assignments and within 1 week for larger assignments.

Late Work

Assignments will be due every week. The best learning experience is one in which you keep pace with the posted due dates on Canvas as it helps you digest the material with deeper understanding. With this, I understand that life happens and sometimes it is not possible to get something done by the due date. So, don’t be worried if you miss something; instead talk with me. However, if you are generally not keeping up with the class, I will contact you to meet so we can figure out how I can support you.

The need to turn in work late occurs for a variety of reasons (you were sick, had a family emergency, etc.). The important thing is to talk with me about it so that I can support you. If you know that you are going to be absent or an emergency arises, please let me know as soon as you can, and we will make arrangements for you to turn in an assignment early or on a different day.

Generally, all assignments can be done at any time. However, you do not want to fall behind thinking you can make up the assignments later. Most previous students have said while they love this policy, they also struggled with it.