Class Norms

Hate-Free Zone

Words matter. So please think about how what you are saying will affect others.  

In our classroom, each student should feel free to express their opinion and ideas in a respectful manner. Students should be open to listen to and appreciate differences in opinions, life experience, worldviews, values/beliefs, etc. Our class is a hate-free zone. Please be mindful of how you communicate your values, beliefs, ideas, opinions, etc. While we will often disagree with other people, it does not give anyone the right to intentionally hurt others with words or to discriminate against them.   

Class Norms

Norms (from first day of class)


In this class we function as a team – teaching and learning together in small groups that are frequently reorganized from one class to the next. As a result, throughout the semester you’ll become increasingly vested in the success or failure of your classmates and vice versa

Your attendance in this class does not count (and quite honestly, shouldn't) as part of  your grade and I understand life happens - you all will likely miss at least one class session. I do, however, ask that you please contact me (Tammi) if you are going to be absent. This way I don't worry about you and can get you the information from the class you missed. 

However, if you quit participating in this class, you should not assume that I will drop you. Should you choose to drop, ultimately it is your responsibility to officially withdraw.