Demetri's Story

Follow Demetri learning to adjust to a new life with his newly adopted tokota Blueberry.

The Way Home


The first entry to the series.

NO written storyYES other panels

First Meeting (1/2)

Demetri's takes his first look at Blueberry in person

NO written storyYES other panels

First Meeting (2/2)

Demetri is given the okay to take Blueberry home

NO written storyYES other panels

On the way home

Demetri thinks over his choices as he walks home with Blueberry

YES written storyNO other panels

Extra Story

Quick Shopping Existential

Mentioned in the written part of On the way Home, Demetri's time in the store before departing with Blueberry

Unexpected but not Surprised (1/3)

Blueberry suddenly realizes her newfound interest in Demetri

NO written storyYES other panels

Unexpected but not Surprised (2/3)

Demetri doesn't know how to handle this new attention from Blueberry

NO written storyYES other panels

Unexpected but not Surprised (3/3)

Demetri reevaluates his relationship with Blueberry and what he wants out of it

YES written storyNO other panels

Extra Story

I must fish!!

Blueberry decides to try fishing even though she's never done it before in her life.


Unfortunately you've caught up.

If you want to see more right when I post them, follow my DA!

Or you can go back to the stories tab and check out another one : )

Thanks for reading!!