
 Reference sheet (same info here as in DA description)

Demetri King

Age: 20(ish)

Height: 5'10"

Pronouns: He/Him

Hair: Black (the blue is more of a highlight for drawing)


Style: Basically anything a middle aged man working on a farm would wear.

Written Description:

Although Demetri takes care of himself, he wouldn't quite be described quite as healthy looking. His lean statue with his semi-permanent bed head would suggest he doesn't leave the house much. And with the dark circles under his eyes, furled brow, and piercing gray eyes seem to always suggest to the outsider he's not in the mood to talk, ever. But despite his cold appearance Demetri is an introverted, reserved guy who cares very deeply for his bear-dogs.  

Voice: Gotta find a new one 

Residence: Coastal Pilitak  

Job: Employee at a small family owned deli 

(On WeHeartIt)
(On YouTube)